Happens When...
- The oven completes MODE 10.
Goes To...
-MODE 2 when On/Off key is pressed.
-INFO MODE (page 13) when Info key is pressed.
Mode 2: Temperature Select
NOTE: If cooking with only one temperature, this screen will be bypassed.
The i5 Oven can store up to four different cook temperature settings. Each temperature setting has 5 food groups assigned to it, each consisting of 10 food recipes (50 recipes per temperature setting).
NOTE: Earlier i5 software versions store only two temperatures, each containing 100 food recipes.
The operator will be able to cook only recipes associated with the selected temperature setting. See “Edit Mode,” page 19 for more information on using and changing multiple temperatures.
To select a temperature (if applicable), press the adjacent soft key.
Happens When...
-The On/Off key is pressed from MODE 1.
-The Back key is pressed from MODE 3.
Goes To...
-MODE 3 when a temperature is selected.
-MODE 1 or 10 if the On/Off key is pressed.
Mode 3: Warming Up
Mode during which the oven warms to the
Happens When...
-A temperature is selected from MODE 2 (if multiple temperatures are present).
-On/Off key is pressed from MODE 1 or 10 (if single temperature is present).
Goes To...
-MODE 4 when the oven temperature reaches the selected set temperature - if the oven temperature needed to recover more than 125°F (70°C) at the time warmup initiated.
-MODE 5 when the oven temperature reaches the selected set temperature - if the oven temperature needed to recover less than 126°F (70°C) at the time warmup initiated.
-MODE 10 if the On/Off key is pressed.
Mode 4: Soak
SOAK MODE provides an additional 8 minutes of warmup time for the cook cavity surfaces to warm.
Happens When...
-MODE 3 completes - if the oven temperature needed to recover more than 125°F (70°C) at the time warmup initiated.
Goes To...
-MODE 5 when counter reads 00:00.
-MODE 10 if the On/Off key is pressed.
Mode 5: Ready to Cook (or “Idle”)
Mode during which a food group and item can be selected for cooking.
WARNING: Inside of oven and oven door are hot! Use extreme caution.
1.Place the food into the oven.
2.Select a food group by pressing its adjacent soft key, or press the Up key or Down key for additional food groups, if available.
3.Select an item to cook by pressing its adjacent soft key.
Happens When...
- MODE 3 or 4 completes.
Goes To...
-MODE 6 if food item is selected and “Adjust Time” is enabled (see page 14).
-MODE 7 if food item is selected and “Adjust Time” is disabled.
-MODE 10 if the On/Off key is pressed.
Mode 6: Adjust Time
After a food item has been selected to cook, it may be necessary to change the cook time. Do so using the number keys, and then press the Enter key to confirm the change.