The ADJUST TIME MODE can be turned on or off

Mode 9: Cook More

from the “Options” screen (see page 14). It is

At the completion of a cook cycle, the user has the

turned off by default.

option to cook an item longer per the following:

Happens When...

- Select “cook more” if the inside temperature of

- ADJUST TIME MODE is enabled and a food item

the dish is below the desired range.

is selected from MODE 5.

- Select “brown more” if the outside of the dish

Goes To...

requires more browning or crispness.

- MODE 7 when “Start Cook” is selected.

- Select “cook and brown more” if both the

- MODE 10 if the On/Off key is pressed.

inside and outside of the dish are not done.


- Select “save time” to save any change to the

Mode 7: Cooking

cook time made during MODE 6. Note that

Mode during which the oven cooks a food item.

this option is not available if MODE 6 is



NOTE: To immediately terminate a cook cycle,

- Select “exit” to return to the food group

press the Back/Stop key.

selection screen.

NOTE: If the oven door is opened during a cook

Cook More mode can be enabled/disabled from

the Options menu (see page 14). It is disabled by

cycle, the cycle will pause until the door is closed


and “Resume” is selected.


Happens When...

Happens When...

- A cook cycle completes.

- A food item is selected from MODE 5 if MODE


6 is disabled.

Goes To...

- “Start Cook” is selected from MODE 6.

- MODE 7 if one of the “Cook More” options is

Goes To...


- MODE 5 if “Save Time” is selected, “Exit” is

- MODE 8 when the cook cycle completes.

selected, or if nothing is selected after 10

Mode 8: Remove Food from Oven


- MODE 10 if the On/Off key is pressed.

Mode during which the oven beeps until the oven


door is opened. During this mode, the oven

Mode 10: Cooling Down

temperature remains constant.

Mode during which the oven blows cool air into

WARNING: Dish and inside of oven/oven

the cook cavity to return it to room temperature.


door are hot! Use extreme caution.

Happens When...


- The On/Off key is pressed from MODES 2-6,

Happens When...

8, or 9.

- A cook cycle completes.

Goes To...


Goes To...

- MODE 1 when the oven temperature recedes

- MODE 9 if “Cook More” is enabled (page 14).

below 150°F (66°C).

- MODE 5 if “Cook More” is disabled.

- INFO MODE (page 13) when the Info key is

- MODE 10 if the On/Off key is pressed.


Page 25
Image 25
Turbo Chef Technologies i5 Mode 9 Cook More, Mode 7 Cooking, Mode 8 Remove Food from Oven, Mode 10 Cooling Down