All FIPS - the scanner alerts and displays information about the weather alert when it receives any FIPS code (see “Programming a SAME Group” on Page 113).
Programming a SAME Group
You can edit any of the 5 SAME groups in your scan- ner. Each group can have up to 8 FIPS codes.
SAME (Specific Area Messaging System) is a system developed by the National Weather Service to reduce the number of alerts received by consumers by allow- ing them to hear alerts only for the county(ies) they are interested in. Each alert contains information about the type and severity of the alert, as well as the specific geographic locations affected by the alert.
The geographic locations are designated using FIPS codes. Each county or parish in the US and its territo- ries are assigned a FIPS code. In addition, certain special regions and wildcard settings can be assigned.
FIPS codes are in the format nSSCCC:
n:A special subcounty designator. For an entire county, use 0.
SS:The state code.
CCC:The county code.
For example, Tarrant County in Texas is assigned to FIPS code 048439.
0 indicates the entire county
48 indicates the state of Texas
439 indicates Tarrant County