Connecting Your Scanner to a Personal Computer
To connect your scanner to a personal computer, you must first set the scanner’s baud rate (the rate at which data is transferred between the scanner and the computer, in bits per second (bps)).
Hint: If you have trouble transferring data between your scanner and your computer, try setting the baud rate to a slower setting.
Use the included connection cable to connect your scanner to another BCD396T scanner or your personal computer.
PC Control
PC Control Lets you set the baud rate your scanner uses to communicate with a personal computer.
•Off The baud rate is not set.
•9600 bps The baud rate is set to 9600 bps.
• 19200 bps The baud rate is set to 19,200 bps.
•38400 bps The baud rate is set to 38,400 bps.
•57600 bps The baud rate is set to 57,600 bps.
•115200 bps The baud rate is set to 115,200 bps.
Using the Cloning Options
Lets you set your scanner as a master (source) or slave (recipient), letting you transfer programming to or from another BCD396T scanner. See “Wired Clon- ing” on Page 57 and
Other Settings