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Basic operation
Telephone settings
Ringer melody
There are options for ve ringer melodies. There will be a sample of each ringer
melody when scrolling through the c hoices.
• When in the RINGER MELODY menu, a sample of the current ringer melody
is played.
• Press the softkey or to change the ringer melody. A sample of that ringer
melody will be played.
• Press the SET softkey when nished setting, and there will be a conrmation
Telephone settings
Base settings
Ringer volume
There are options for ve l evels of volume. There will be a sample of each
ringer volume when scrolling through t he choices.
• When in the RINGER VOLUME menu, the current ringer volume is displayed
by the shaded bar.
• Press t he softkey or to change the ringer vo lume. A sa mple of that
volume level will be played.
• Press the SET softkey when nished setting, and there will be a conrmation
Keypad tone
• When in the KEYPAD TON E menu, the current choice is highli ghted.
• Press the softkey or to toggle between ON or OFF.
• Press the SET softkey when nished setting, and there will be a conrmation
• When the
telephone is
ringing, pressing
the softkey
mute the ringer