About cordless telephones
Privacy: the same features that m ake a cordless ph one convenient c reate some limit ations. Telephone c alls are transmi tted between t he base and the c ordless handse t by radio waves, so
there is a possibility that yo ur cordless pho ne conversation s could be interc epted by radio rec eiving equipme nt within range o f the cordless h andset. For this reason, you shoul d not think of
cordless phone conversations a s being as private as tho se on corded phone s.
Electrical Power: The ba se unit of th is cordless te lephone must be connected to a working e lectrical ou tlet. The ele ctrical outle t should not b e controlled by a wall switc h. Calls cannot be
made from the cordless handset if th e base unit is unplug ged or switched off, o r if the electrica l power is interrupted .
Potential TV Interference: Som e cordless telephone s operate at frequencies that may caus e interference to televis ions and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interfer ence, do not place the
base unit of the cordless telephone near or o n top of a TV or VCR. If interferenc e is experienced, mov ing the cordless tel ephone father away from the T V or VCR will often reduce or el iminate
the interference. (Applies to 25 cha nnel cordless pho nes only).
Rechargeable Batteri es: This produc t contains eit her Nickel-Ca dmium or Nickel -Metal Hydrid e rechargeable batteries. Exe rcise care in h andling batter ies in order no t to short the battery
with conducting material such as r ings, bracelets, a nd keys. The battery o r conductor may overh eat and cause harm. Ob serve proper pol arity between the b attery and the bat tery charger.
Nickel-Metal Hydride Rechargea ble Batteri es: Dispose of these bat teries in a safe manner. Do not burn or puncture. Like other batteri es of this t ype, if bur ned or punct ured, they co uld
release caustic material which co uld cause injury.
What does this limited warrant y cover?
The manufacturer of this Vtech prod uct, Vtech Commu nications, warran ts to the holder of a vali d proof of purchas e (“Consumer” or “ you”) that the pro duct and all acces sories provided by Vtech
in the sales package (“Product” ) are free from material def ects in material and wor kmanship, pursuan t to the following terms an d conditions, when i nstalled and used no rmally and in accord ance
with operation instructions. T his limited warrant y extends only to the C onsumer for Produc ts purchased and u sed in the United Stat es of America.
What will Vte ch Com munications do if the Produc t is not f ree fr om mate rial de fects in mate rials a nd work manship during the li mited w arranty period (“Materi ally De fective
During the limited warranty p eriod, Vtech’s aut horized servi ce representati ve will repair or replace at Vtech ’s option, withou t charge, a Materi ally Defective Pr oduct. If we re pair this produ ct, we
may use new or refurbished replacem ent parts. If we cho ose to replace thi s product, we may re place it with a new or r efurbished prod uct of the same or sim ilar design. Vtec h will return repair ed
or replacement products to you in w orking conditi on. Vtech will retai n defective part s, modules, or equ ipment. Repair or r eplacement of Prod uct, at Vtech’s optio n, is your exclusive re medy. You
should expect the repair or replace ment to take approxim ately 30 days.
How long is the limited warranty p eriod?
The limited warranty period for the produc t extends for ONE (1) YEAR from the date of purchas e if we repair or replace a Materiall y Defective Product und er the terms of this limited warr anty. This
limited warranty also applie s to repaired or re placement Produ cts for a period o f either (a) 90 days fr om the date the re paired or replac ement Product is shipped to you or ( b) the time remaini ng
on the original one-year warranty ; whichever is longer.
What is not covered by this limited warrant y?
This limited warranty does not cover
1. Product that has been subjected to misuse, accident, shi pping or other physical damage, impro per installation, abnor mal operation or handling, negl igent, inundation, re, water or other liqui d
intrusion; or
2. Product that has been damaged d ue to repair, alteration o r modication by anyo ne other than an autho rized service re presentative of Vtec h; or
3. Product to the extent that the pro blem experience d is cause by signal co nditions, networ k reliability or c able or antenna system s; or
4. Product to the extent that the pro blem is caused by use w ith non-Vtech elec trical accesso ries; or
5. Product whose warranty/qua lity stickers, Pro duct serial numb ers plates or electr onic serial number s have been removed, alt ered or rendered ill egible; or
6. Product purchased, used ser viced, or shipped f or repair from outside t he United States, or used fo r commercial or inst itutional purpos es (including but not li mited to Products use d for rental
purposes); or