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Installation Basic operation
Dial mode
If you have touch-tone service, your te lephone is ready to use as soo n as the battery is charge d. If
you have pulse (rotary) service, the dial mode must be changed. Press /FLASH and there should
be a dial tone. If not, refer to the Set dial mode se ction on page 20.
About caller ID information
The caller ID with call waiting features in thi s telephone let you see who is calling bef ore answering
the call, even when on another call. These features require services provided by your local telephone
Contact your telephone service pr ovider if:
• you have both caller ID and call w aiting, but as separate ser vices (yo u may need com bined
• you have only caller ID ser vice, or only call waiting servi ce, or
• you do not subscribe t o any caller ID or call waiting servic es but wish to try them now.
You can use this telephone with regular caller ID service, and you can use its other features wit hout
subscribing to either caller ID or combin ed caller ID with call waiting servi ce. There may be fees for
these services, and these ser vices may not be available in all areas.
The caller ID features will work only if both you and the caller are i n areas offering caller ID service,
and if both telephone companies use co mpatible equipment.