Advanced operation
Redial list
Save a redial entry to the phoneb ook on the handset
• When in the redial list , press the UP or DOWN NavKey or to scroll to
the number to be saved.
• Press the softkey SAVE.
• Use the dial pad to enter the name for the entry. Press t he softkey SE T
when nished.
• If you do not wish to assign a distinctive ringer and picture/animation to the
entry, press the softkey SAVE to conrm . The screen displays Entr y has
been saved and there will be a conrmati on tone.
• If you wish to assign a distinctive ringer and pict ure/animation to the entry,
see the section Customize entri es on page 34.
Delete a redial entry
From the handset:
• When in the redial list, use the UP or DOWN NavKey or to scroll to
the number to be deleted.
• Press the softkey DE LETE, and there will be a conrmation ton e.
From the base unit:
• When in the redi al list, use the softkey or to scroll to the numbe r to
be deleted. Press the softkey SELECT to sel ect.
• Press the softkey DELETE to conrm, and t here will be a conrmation