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Problem Suggestion
My calls fade o r cut in
and out while I’m using
my handset.
Other electron ic products can cause interfer ence with your cordless telephon e. Try installing
your telephone as far away from these types of electronic devices as possible: wireless routers,
radios, radio towers, pager towers, cell phones, intercoms, room monitors, televisions, personal
computers, kitchen appliances an d other cordless telephones.
Microwave oven operates on the same frequency as your telephone. It is normal to experience
static on your telephone while the microwave oven is r unning. Do not install this telepho ne in
the same outlet or near the microwave oven.
If your telephone is plugged in with a modem or surge protector, plug the telephone (or modem/
surge protector) into a diff erent location. If this solves the problem, re -locate your telephone
or modem farther apart from one anoth er, or use a different surge protector.
Relocate your te lephone base to a hi gher location. The tel ephone will get better reception if
not installed in a lower area.
If the other telephones in your home are having the issue, the problem is in your wiring or local
My cal le r I D isn ’t
Caller ID is a subsc ription service. You must subscri be to this service for this fe ature to work
on your telephone.
Your caller must be calling from a n area that supports caller ID.
Both you and your caller ’s telephone companies must use calle r ID compatible equipment.