• Press the Impor t/Export button.
• Select Impor t Contacts and press the nex t button.
• Use the browse butto n to locate the comma separated text le saved i n step one. Press next.
• The next screen displays how the elds from the comma separated text le will be mapped to the
handset phonebook e ntries. There are two elds i n the VTech pho nebook: name and number.
However, most PC contact managers separate names into the rst and last name elds. To allow
import of this type of le, the mapping dialog allows you to dec ide how the name elds from your
import le will be placed in the VTech phonebook name eld. For example, the following mappings
will import the eld’s rst name and last name into the VTech name eld. The home pho ne eld
will be imported into the VTech phone number  eld.
If the mapping displayed is not what is desir ed, select one of the rows and press th e Change Map
button to correct it. You can only use each of the three elds (V Tech name rst, VTech name l ast
and VTech phone number) once. If you want to change one that has already been mapped, you must
rst select that row and use the Change M ap button to remove the associati on.
• When nished e diting the mapping, press the Finish button. The c ontacts will now be imp orted
and merged into the currently loaded pho nebook.
Phonebook tab functions
Exporting contacts to a comm a separated text le
This feature allows you to export some or all of your V Tech phonebook entries into a comma
separated text le. This comma separated text le can then be imported into a contact manager
software such as Microsoft Out look® or Palm® applications.
• Load a phonebook into t he phonebook manager.
• If you wish to export only some of your contacts, select the desired contacts on the list of contacts
loaded. You can use your mouse to select to a single row or hold down the CTRL key while using
your mouse to click on the rows to be selected.
• Press the Impor t/Export button.
Special features