Tone settings
In this menu, yo u can set key pad tone, low battery tone, a nd set the out of
range tone on or off.
• Make sure the handset is in i dle mode.
• Press the UP NavKey four times to reach Settings. Press MENU/SEL to
• Press the DOWN NavKey once to reach Tone Settings and press MENU/
SEL to select.
• Use th e UP an d DOWN N avKey or to choose Keypad Tone, Low
Battery Tone, or Out of Range Tone. Press MENU/ SEL to select.
Telephone settings
Handset settings
Clock setting
• Make sure the handset is in i dle mode.
• Press MENU/S EL to display menu.
• Press the UP NavKey four times to reach Settings. Press MENU/SEL to
• Press MENU/S EL to select Clock Setting.
• Use the dial pad to enter the time digit by dig it. Use the LEFT or RI GHT
NavKey or to move to the digit you need to change.
• Use the UP or DOWN NavKey or to choose AM or PM.
• Press the softkey SE T to conrm your selection. The screen will displ ay
Choice saved and there will be a conrmati on tone.
• Use the UP or DOWN NavKey or to choose On or Of f.
• Press the softkey SE T to conrm your selection. The screen will displ ay
Choice saved and there will be a conrmati on tone.
• The time is
set and updated
with incoming
caller ID
information if
you subscribe
this service.
Tone settings
Phone Settings
Rest Settings
Clock Setting
Low Battery Tone
Out of Range Tone
Tone Settings
Keypad Tone
Keypad Tone
12:00 AM
Clock Setting