Important safety instructions
When using your telephone equip ment, basic safety p recautions shou ld always be followed to re duce the risk of re, e lectric shock an d injury, including t he following:
1. Read and understand all instru ctions.
2. Follow all warnings and instruc tions marked on the pr oduct.
3. Unplug this product from the wal l outlet before clea ning. Do not use liqui d or aerosol cleaner s. Use a damp cloth for c leaning.
4. Do not use this product near water (for exa mple, near a bathtub, ki tchen sink, or swimm ing pool).
5. Do not place this product on an unst able surface, su ch as a table, shelf or st and. This produc t may fall, causing seri ous damage.
6. Slots and openings in the b ack or bottom of the base unit an d handset are prov ided for ventilat ion. To protect them f rom overheating, t hese openings must not be bloc ked
by placing the product on a soft s urface such as a be d, sofa or rug. This pr oduct should never b e placed near or over a ra diator or heat registe r. This product shoul d not be
placed in any area where proper venti lation is not provid ed.
7. This product should be operated only from the t ype of power source indicat ed on the marking label. If you are not sure of the ty pe of power supply in your home, consul t your
dealer or local power company.
8. Do not allow anything to rest on the po wer cord. Do not insta ll this product whe re the cord may be walked o n.
9. Never push objects of any kind into this produ ct through slots in the bas e or handset as they may touch dan gerous voltage poin ts or short out parts that c ould result in a risk
of re or electric shock. Never sp ill liquid of any kind on t he product.
10. To reduce the ris k of electric shock, do not disas semble this product , but take it to an authorized service faci lity. Opening or removing par ts of the base or handset other than
specied access doors may exp ose you to dangerous vo ltages or other ris ks. Incorrect reas sembling can cau se electric shoc k when the product i s subsequently us ed.
11. Do not o verload wall outlet s and extension cor ds as this can result in t he risk of re or elect ric shock.
12. Unp lug this product fr om the wall outlet and r efer servicing to an a uthorized servi ce facility unde r the following con ditions:
A. When the power supply cord or plu g is damaged or frayed.
B. If liquid has been spilled onto th e product.
C. If the product has been exposed to r ain or water.
D. If the product do es not operate normally by following the operating in structions. Adjust only t hose control s that are c overed by the operation ins tructions, a s improper
adjustment of other controls may r esult in damage and of ten requires exten sive work by an authoriz ed technician to res tore the product to n ormal operation.
E. If the product has been droppe d and the base and/or ha ndset has been damag ed.
F. If the product exhibits a distinct ch ange in performa nce.
13. Avoid u sing a telephone (othe r than cordless) duri ng an electrical s torm. There is a remote r isk of electric sh ock from lightnin g.
14. Do not u se the telephone to r eport a gas leak in th e vicinity of the le ak.
15. Onl y put the handset of your t elephone next to your e ar when it is in normal t alk.
CAUTION: Use only the power adapter provided with this product. To obtain a replacement, call 1(800)222-3111. In Canada, call 1(866)288-4268.