Problem Suggestion
I cannot dial out. • Make sure there is a di al tone before dialing. It is norma l for handset to take a second or t wo
to nd the base unit and produce a dial tone. Wait an ex tra second before dialing.
• Make sure the tele phone is set to the corre ct dial mode for the t ype of service that you have
(pulse or touchtone). Refer to the Set dial mode (page 20) of this user’s manual to set the dial
• If the other telephones in your home are having the same problem, the problem is in your wiring
or local service. Contact your loc al telephone company.
• Eliminate any background noise. Noise from a television, radio or other appliance may cause the
telephone not to dial out properly. If you cannot eliminate the background noise, rst try muting
the handset before dialing , or dialing from an other room in your ho me with less backgrou nd
The batter ies do not
hold a charge.
• Charge th e battery in the handset for 16 hours. For optimum daily performanc e, return the
handset to its base unit when not in use.
• You may need to purchase a new battery, please refer to the Ba tteries section in this u ser’s
• Your telephone mig ht be malfunctioning . Please refer to the Warranty section of this user’s
manual for further instruction.