Basic operation
• You must
have at least
one additional
handset to
intercom call
from one
handset to
another handset.
Global Page from
Intercom call
• Any handset can t hen answ er the page, and e nter inte rcom mo de by
pressing /FLASH, , or any keys on the dialing pad.
• To end an intercom call, press /CLEAR o n the handset, or press
INTERCOM at the base unit.
From the base unit to a specic hands et
• Press INTER COM at the base unit, and use the softkey or to scroll
to the desired handset (e.g., HANDSET 2), and press the softkey SELECT
to conrm.
• When the de stination handset ring s, press /FLASH, , or any keys
on the dialing pad.
• To end an intercom call, press /CLEAR on the handset or INTERCOM
at the base unit.
From one handset to all handsets an d base unit:
• Press MENU/S EL to display menu when in idle mode.
• Press the DOWN NavKey three times to reach Intercom and press
MENU/SEL to enter the menu.
• Press MENU/S EL and select Global Page.
• The base unit and all handsets will ring , and the scre en displays Globa l
Page from Handset 1 (if the global page i s from handset 1).
• To answer the page on any handset, pres s /FLASH, or any keys
on the dialing pad. To answer the page at the base unit, press INTERCOM