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Advanced operation
Advanced operation
Redial list
The ha ndset and the base unit can store the ten most rec ently dialed
numbers in the redial list. You can review, redial, or save the numbe r into the
• When ther e are already ten entries on the redial list, the earliest entry is
deleted to make room for the new entry.
• Entries are displayed in reverse chronological order, i.e. from the latest entry
to the earliest entry.
Redial list is e mpty is dis played on scree n if there is no dial ed number
on the list.
The redial list can be accessed on the handset and the base unit by pres sing
the softkey REDIAL in idle mode.
Dial an entry from the redial l ist
From the handset:
• When in t he redial list, u se the UP or D OWN NavKey or to scroll to
the desired number.
• Press /FLASH or to dial.
• To add a pause to the number, press MENU/SEL to select the number, and
press the softkey PAUSE before dialing.
From the base unit:
• When in th e redial list, use the sof tkey or to scro ll to t he desired
• Press /SPEAKERPHONE to dial.
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