Basic operation
Transfer an external call
This telephone allows you to transfer an external call from the base unit to any
handset, from handset to handset, or from han dset to the base unit.
From one handset to the base unit or to an other handset
• During a call, press HOLD to p ut the call on hold on t he ori ginating
• Press MENU/SE L, then use the DOWN NavKey to scroll to Intercom,
and press MENU/SEL to conrm.
Use the UP or DOWN NavKey or to scroll to the base unit, or destination
handset. Press MENU/SEL to con rm.
• The dest ination handset or the base unit will ring, pres s /FLASH or
on the destinatio n handset to answer, or press IN TERCOM or
/SPEAKERPHONE to answer at the base u nit.
Press /CLEAR on the originating handset to tr ansfer the call.
Press /FLASH on the destination handset or press /SPEAKERPHONE
at the base unit to pick up the call on hold.
Intercom call
• You must
have at least
one additional
handset to
intercom a
call from one
handset to
another handset.
Handset 1
Handset 2
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