Advanced operation
Customize entries
This feature allows you to assig n a distincti ve ringer and picture/animation
to a specic entry. The distin ctive ringer and picture /animation will alert you
when this person calls. You can customize the entries before saving it, either
in the phonebook, call log list, or red ial list.
• When in the screen display as shown on the top right, use the UP or DOWN
NavKey or to highlight Ringer: <Default >, or Picture: <Default>.
• Use the LEFT or RIGHT NavKey or to choose the desired ri nger, or
• When scrolling through the selectio n, a sample of the ringer will be played,
and a sample of the picture/animation will be d isplayed.
• Press the softkey SAVE when done. The screen displays Entry ha s been
saved and there will be a conrmation tone.
Search the phonebook
Entries are sorted alpha betically, and names begi nning with numbers are
presented rst. An alphab etical search can be done after enteri ng th e
For example, press 5 (JKL) once to nd Jenny, twice to nd Kristen, or thr ee
times to nd Linda.
• When in the Phonebo ok menu, press the softkey FIND.
• U se the dial pad to enter the alphabet and press the so ftkey S ET to
• There are eig ht
traditional ring
tones and 17
musical ringers.
For Recordable
ringers, see
page 50.
• There are 29
preset pictures
and animations
to choose from.
For Picture
download, see
page 52.