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Advanced operation
Answering system operation
Outgoing greeting
Record your greeting
• Press the softkey ME NU when in idle mode.
• Press the softkey twice to reach ANSWERING SYSTEM. Press the
softkey SELECT to conrm.
• Press the softkey once to reach GREE TING OPTION , and press the
softkey SELECT to conrm.
• Press the sof tkey once to reach RECORD GREETING, and press the
softkey SELECT to conrm.
MODE. After the tone, s peak towards the micro phone at the bottom front
of the base unit from about nine inches away.
• Press the softkey STO P when nished.
The answering system will a utomatically playback the newly recorded
greeting. Press the softkey STOP to stop the pl ayback anytime.
Outgoing greeting is t he message callers hear when calls are answered by
the answering system.
The telephone is preset with a greeting that answer s calls with

Hello. I’m

unable to answer your call right now. Please leave you name, number and

the message after t he tone.

You can use this factory greeting, or replace
it with your own recording.
Play your greeting
• Follow the instructions in Record your greeting to access the GREETING
OPTION menu.
• Press the softkey SELECT to select PLAY OPTI ON. Press the sof tkey
STOP to stop the playback anytime.
• Your greeting
can be up to
4 minutes in