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Installation Basic operation
Install handset battery
• Press the tab and sli de cover away fro m the battery
• Place the battery in the compartment with the meta l
contacts aligned, as shown in the diagr am.
• Position the batter y compartment cover a nd slide it
towards the unit until it clicks into place.
• Put the handset in the base unit to star t charging the
new battery for at least 12 hours.
You can keep the batte ry charged by return ing t he
handset to the base unit after each use. When the
battery power is fully depleted, a full re charge takes
about 12 hours.
Use only the
VTech battery
and AC power
adapter supplied
with this
If the hands et will
not be used for
a long period of
time, remove the
battery to prevent
possible leakage.
• To purchase
visit us on the
web at www.
com or
call VTech
Inc. at 1 (800)
595-9511) in the
United States. In
Canada, call 1
(800) 267-7377.