Charge spare battery pack

Power guard feature

Your phone uses a spare battery charger in the base unit to provide p ower backup in the event of a
power failure or outage. With a fully charged bat tery in the spare battery cha rger, you will be able to
make and receive calls for up to 2.5 hours durin g a power outage.
The spare battery can also be used to replace a depleted handset battery to ensure uninterrupted use.
The spare battery is optional and can b e purchased separately.
1. O pen the spare battery compartment by pressing the relea se button located on the bottom of the
base unit.
2. Remove the battery cover and place the battery in the compartment with the metal contacts aligned,
as shown in the diagram.
3. R eplace the compartment cover. The spare battery c harger takes 20 ho urs to fully char ge a
depleted battery.
• When using yo ur
phone during
power backup
mode, audio
quality may be
due to
reduced power