8.Force round line ends - Click on this check box to cause the
9.Termination Conditions - Click on this group of check boxes to enable/disable which HPGL commands will cause a plot to be terminated (completed). The available check boxes are AF, AH , FR , NR , PG , RP, SP, and Plotter Off.
10.Press the Update Printer button to update the specified parameter changes in the printer.
Calcomp 906/907 Page
Navigation: PRINTER DEFAULTS > EMULATIONS > Calcomp 906/907
If you entered the printer password in the Session Setup, you can change the following CalComp 906/907 parameters in the printer:
1.Step Size (resolution) - Enter the CalComp plotter step size (resolution) in this text box. Most CalComp plot files use a step size of 2032. The range is from 50 to 4064.
2.Assigned Palette - Click on this list box to select the default pen palette (0 to 8) for CalComp plots.
3.Job overrides assigned pen palette - Click on this check box to enable/disable the override option. If this box is checked, any pen settings in the CalComp plot file will override the assigned default pen palette. If this box is not checked, the assigned default pen palette will be the source for the attributes of all pens used in CalComp plots. The only exception is for individual pens using the override setting of the Pen Attributes Page, accessed by clicking a pen number on the Pen Palettes Page of the Printer Defaults Side Menu.
4.Message Format - This group of parameters modifies how the CalComp 906/907 interpreter works. The printer will automatically determine the correct values for the three numerical parameters if they are not set correctly.
ŸEOM Character - This text box is used to set an EOM character to a decimal value. Enter a number between 0 and 31.
ŸSYNC Character AH - This text box is used to set a SYNC character to a decimal value. Enter a number between 0 and 127.
ŸNumber of SYNC Chars - Click on this list box to select 1 or 2 as the number of SYNC characters expected in the CalComp jobs sent to the printer.
Web Print Manager Tool User Guide | Page 39 |