156 Chapter 2. SONG MODE

1. Source track
The first TR setting selects the track from which events are
to be extracted.
2. Source segment
The two boxes to the right of the M select the track segment
for the extraction.
Measure: beat 001:1,...,999:8
3. Spot clock
The Spot Clock parameter selects the interval of each meas-
ure from which data are to be extracted.
The interval is set by clock cycles, where each measure starts
at cycle 0000. There are 480 cycles per quarter note.
For example, assume that timing is set to 4/4. In this
case, if you want to extract data only from the first half
of each measure, you would set the range to 0000 – 0959.
If you wanted to copy only those events that fall exactly
on the fourth beat, you would set the range to 1440 –
4. Destination track
The lower TR setting selects the destination track.
01,...,32, Off
• 01,...,32 Sequence track
• Off No destination. (Extract and delete)
5. Event
The third pair of boxes (at the center of the screen) select
the event type to be extracted.
Note, PC, PB, CC (000,...,127, All), CAT, PAT, EXC
• Note Note events (C2,...,G8, All)
•PC Program change
•PB Pitch bend
CC(000,...,127,All)Control change (Any single control-
change message type 000 to 127, or
all control-change messages)
•CAT Channel aftertouch
•PAT Polyphonic aftertouch
• EXC System exclusive
6. Argument range
The lowest two boxes on the screen select the argument
range. The QY700 will extract only those note events whose
arguments fall within the specified range.
If you are extracting note events, for example, you can use
this setting to limit extraction to all note events within a
certain pitch range (for example, C3 to C4). If extracting
program-change events, you can limit extraction to events
with a certain range of program numbers only.
Note that the EXC event type does not accept an argument-
range value.
The values listed below show the maximum ranges. In all
cases you can set a smaller range. Note that the first value
of the range must be less than or equal to the second value.
C-2,...,G8 Maximum range for note events
-8192,...,+8191 Maximum range for pitchbend events
000,..,127 Maximum range for all event types other than
note and pitchbend.
7. Song Jobs
0000 0480 0960 1440 1919
0000 04800240 09600720 1200 1439