Printer Operation

Load the Printer

Load Ribbon

Before you load ribbon, make sure that the labels that you are using need ribbon. Only thermal transfer media requires ribbon. Ribbon is not required with direct thermal media, though it may be used to protect the printhead from abrasion. For more information, see When to Use Ribbon on page 17.

Caution • Use ribbon that is wider than the thermal transfer media. If the printhead is not protected by the ribbon, the resulting abrasion from the media may cause premature printhead wear.

A ribbon leader makes it easier to load and unload ribbon. Make a leader for your ribbon roll if it does not already have one.

To make a ribbon leader, complete these steps:

1.Unroll the ribbon about 6 in. (15 cm).

2.Tear off a strip of labels and backing about 6 in. (15 cm) long from the label roll.

3.Peel a label from the backing.

4.Overlap the ribbon and the backing with the ribbon on top, and use the label to tape them together. This serves as a ribbon leader (Figure 18).

Figure 18 • Ribbon Leader


RXiIIIPlus User Guide

6/21/2004 23063L-001 Rev. 2