Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your Switch

In this example, all computers can share high-speed applications on the server. To expand the network, simply add more networking devices such as switches, routers, computers, print servers etc.

Figure 1 Backbone Application

1.1.2 Bridging Example

In this example, the Switch connects different company departments (RD and Sales) to the corporate backbone. It can alleviate bandwidth contention and eliminate server and network bottlenecks. All users that need high bandwidth can connect to high-speed department servers via the Switch. You can provide a super-fast uplink connection by using a Gigabit Ethernet/mini-GBIC port on the Switch.

Moreover, the Switch eases supervision and maintenance by allowing network managers to centralize multiple servers at a single location.

Figure 2 Bridging Application

1.1.3 High Performance Switching Example

The Switch is ideal for connecting two networks that need high bandwidth. In the following example, use trunking to connect these two networks.



ES3500 Series User’s Guide