Chapter 29 Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

29.2 Configuring Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

Click Advanced Application > Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling in the navigation panel to display the screen as shown.

Figure 139 Advanced Application > Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 96 Advanced Application > Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling




Select this to enable layer-2 protocol tunneling on the Switch.




Specify an MAC address with which the Switch uses to encapsulate the layer-2 protocol

MAC Address

packets by replacing the destination MAC address in the packets.


Note: The MAC address can be either a unicast MAC address or multicast MAC address. If


you use a unicast MAC address, make sure the MAC address does not exist in the


address table of a switch on the service provider’s network.


Note: All the edge switches in the service provider’s network should be set to use the same


MAC address for encapsulation.




This field displays the port number.




Use this row to make the setting the same for all ports. Use this row first and then make


adjustments on a port-by-port basis.


Note: Changes in this row are copied to all the ports as soon as you make them.




Select this option to have the Switch tunnel CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) packets so that


other Cisco devices can be discovered through the service provider’s network.





ES3500 Series User’s Guide