Chapter 43 MAC Table

43.2 Viewing the MAC Table

Click Management > MAC Table in the navigation panel to display the following screen. Figure 205 Management > MAC Table

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 146 Management > MAC Table




Select one of the buttons and click Search to only display the data which matches the


criteria you specified.


Select All to display any entry in the MAC table of the Switch.


Select Static to display the MAC entries manually configured on the Switch.


Select MAC and enter a MAC address in the field provided to display a specified MAC entry.


Select VID and enter a VLAN ID in the field provided to display the MAC entries belonging to


the specified VLAN.


Select Port and enter a port number in the field provided to display the MAC addresses


which are forwarded on the specified port.



Sort by

Define how the Switch displays and arranges the data in the summary table below.


Select MAC to display and arrange the data according to MAC address.


Select VID to display and arrange the data according to VLAN group.


Select PORT to display and arrange the data according to port number.





ES3500 Series User’s Guide