OpenWorX Business Attendant System User Guide | Processing Calls |
Chapter 3 Processing Calls
This chapter outlines the procedures the attendant uses to process calls, including answering a call, placing a call on hold, and transferring a call.
You can use your mouse or your keyboard in the Business Attendant Client, so in most cases there will be more than one way to perform a function. For more information about navigating through the windows, see “Keyboard Conventions” on page 4 or “About the Business Attendant Client Windows” on page 9.
Chapter Topics
•About Call Processing
•Making Calls
•Answering Calls
•Holding Calls
•Transferring Calls
•Working With Messages
•Canceling Transactions
•Releasing Calls
•Making Conference Calls
•Switching Between Source and Destination Callers
•Camping On To a Busy Line
•Overriding Calls
•Parking Calls
•Forwarding Calls
•Setting Do-not-disturb
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