Lexmark 3200 manual Edition October, United States Government Restricted Rights

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Edition: October 2002

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Contents 3100, 3200 MFP options Edition October United States Government Restricted RightsContents Solving copy problems Solving scanning problems Job 1 single Quick copiesExamples of typical jobs Making copiesJob 4 duplex copies Job 2 mixed contentJob 3 use 2-up to save paper Examples of typical jobsJob 5 enlarge copies Job 6 document with colorChange the brightness Adjust copy qualityAdjust copy quality Set the copy sizeSelect the content Select the contentSet the duplex option Set Collation/Finishing featuresSave paper when you print Set the duplex optionSelect your copy media FeatureSelect your copy media Entering a fax recipient number Using fax destination shortcutsSending faxes Sending faxesSelect a Scan to Fax destination Cancel an outgoing faxExamples of typical fax jobs Job 1 oneJob 4 photo 400 x 400 dpi Job 3 mixed content text and graphicsJob 2 multiple pages Job 5 colored original credit card receiptPress Fax Resolution, and then select fine Press Go/Send Use ScanBack utility Scanning to PCCreate a scan profile Scanning to PCUse the MarkNet Web pages Create a scan profileMenu Settings Description Custom Scan to PC settingsCustom Scan to PC settings Custom Scan to PC settings Create a scan to e-mail profile Set up your scan profileScanning to e-mail Scan your original documentsScan to permanent e-mail destinations Scan to permanent e-mail destinationsScan to an FTP destination Scanning to FTPButton and menu key Using the MFP control panelUsing the MFP control panel Menu and Menu Manual fax Menu does not Menu and Menu movesButton and menu key Copy Media specifies Fax Resolution specifies Content lets youMode Function modesFunction modes Restore factory default settings Customizing your MFP configurationCustomize copy settings Customizing your MFP configurationManually set basic fax information Manually set basic fax informationCreate permanent fax destinations Change fax send and receive settingsCreate permanent fax destinations Option Description Adjust analog send fax optionsAdjust analog send fax options Adjust analog receive fax options Adjust analog receive fax optionsAdjust analog fax log options Adjust analog fax log options Adjust fax server options Adjust fax server optionsScan to E-mail General Setup Create permanent e-mail destinations Create permanent e-mail destinationsCreate FTP destinations Create FTP destinationsCreate an external destinations file Scan value Content and output fileCreate an external destinations file Specify the external file Disable scan functionsDisable scan functions Track MFP usage Configure Job AccountingConfigure Job Accounting Create accountsSelect a tracking mode Protect the Job Account listMode Description List of tracking modesJob Accounting status messages Use Validation mode to limit usageUse Validation mode to limit usage Message DescriptionSolving copy problems Solving copy problemsCommon problems and solutions Problem SolutionCopy status messages Copy error messagesError Description Copy status messagesClose Door Copy error messagesInstalled No Duplex OptionSolving fax problems Solving fax problemsSolve problems sending faxes Common fax questionsSolve problems receiving faxes Solve problems receiving faxesSend fax status Send fax statusReceive fax status Send fax errors Send fax errorsReceive fax errors Work with destination listsWork with destination lists Print the destination listsPrint the shortcut list Scan to e-mail status Solving network scan problemsConnecting Please WaitScan to FTP status Scan to FTP statusJob Accounting status Scan to e-mail errorsJob Accounting status Accept mail from us Scan to e-mail errorsMail server refused to Reply address Mail server rejected oneScan to FTP errors Scan to FTP errorsPrint the destination lists Solving scanning problems Preventing paper jamsSolve scanner problems Solve scanner problemsIndex IndexIndex