NOTE: DTR is unchangeable when configuring the serial port. When configuring the Host Modem, Xon/Xoff, RTS, and DTR are hardware settings and, therefore, unchangeable.
For example, to change the baud rate to 115.2K, select #2, “Set Baud Rate,” followed by <cr>.
1 for 300
2 for 600
3 for 1200
4 for 2400
5 for 4800
6 for 9600
7for 19200
8for 38400
9for 57.6K A for 76.8K B for 115.2K Enter Request :
Type "B" for 115.2K baud rate. The DS71- MD2 responds with the new configuration status:
Module 1 Serial Port Configuration :
Port | Device | Baud | Word | Stop | Parity | Xon/ | Xoff/ | Line | Drive |
| Name | Rate | Size | Bits |
| Xmit | Recv | DTR | RTS |
2 | Host MODEM | 115.2K | 8 | 1 | None | Off | Off | High | High |
Exit/Save..….......1 | Set Parity...….........5 |
| |||
Set Baud Rate….2 | Set Xon/Xoff….......6 |
| |||
Set Word Size….3 | RTS Line Driver....7 |
| |||
Set Stop Bits..…..4 | DTR Line Driver...8 |
| |||
Enter Request : |