Answering Machine
Turning off answering machine mode
If answering machine mode is on and you wish to turn it off, press answer to turn off answering machine mode (thus turning off the answer lamp). However, any messages, memos (see page 4.5) or voice mail box messages (see page 4.7) stored on the answering machine are still intact and can be recalled the next time you reactivate answering machine mode.
Recording Your Outgoing Messages
Your fax machine holds three types of voice messages: incoming calls, memos and two outgoing messages. We’ll address the first two a little later in these instructions, but for now let’s talk about the outgoing messages. First we’ll explain the purpose of the messages, then we’ll tell you how to record them.
Outgoing messages ---- and why you have two
Outgoing messages are what your callers hear when the fax machine answers the phone. Your fax machine uses two such messages, each of which serves a slightly different purpose.
First of all, however, please note that each outgoing message must be not longer than 10 seconds in length. This follows the international guidelines created by the
machine can send a fax message to virtually any other Group 3 fax machine, regardless of what company built it or where it’s in operation.
One important part of these
By allowing each of your outgoing messages to be no longer than 10 seconds, the fax machine makes sure there’s always enough time for its fax equipment to respond to a calling fax machine within the
Your first outgoing message is a
Here is a suggested first outgoing message you can modify to suit your needs: Hello. You’ve reached (your telephone number). If you want to send a fax, press start now. If you want to leave a voice message, wait for the beep. Thank you.
That sounds pretty good; so why do you need a second outgoing message, too? Well, the answering machine in your fax machine can record approximately 15
minutes’ worth of incoming messages; but, of course, you’ll want your callers to know they still can send a fax even when the answering machine is full (so to speak). And that’s what the second message accomplishes. It operates only when the fax machine knows it cannot hold any more incoming voice messages. (Don’t worry: the fax machine switches to the second outgoing message automatically when the answering machine has reached its capacity, so you don’t have to provide in advance for the switch over!)
Here is a suggestion for that second message (which also must be no longer than
10 seconds):
Hello. You’ve reached (your telephone number). The answering machine is full right now so it can’t record your voice message; but, if you’d like to send a fax, press start now. Thank you.
Recording or Replacing the first outgoing message
Here’s how to record the first, more general outgoing message (or OGM1, to use the term you’ll see on your fax machine’s display). The procedure is the same whether you’re creating a new message or changing a previously recorded one.
1. Press program, 9, mode/enter, 1. The LCD will show:
2.Press mode/enter.
The machine is asking you, “Do you want me to record a new OGM1 or play back the current OGM1?” Of course, you want to record a new OGM, so proceed to step 3.
3. Press record.
If you decide not to record the OGM1, press play/stop.
To return to standby mode, go to step 7.
4.Press record again. Then begin speaking clearly into the fax’s microphone on right side of your fax’s control panel. As you record, the LCD will count- down the time remaining:
Rec.Time: 09sec. ŒRec.Time: 08sec.
Note: Remember, you have 10 seconds to record your message.
5.If you finish your message in fewer than 10 seconds, press play/stop (only once) to stop recording. Otherwise, the fax machine will sound a beep and stop recording automatically at the