Table 5 - Diagnostic Status Register
| |
7 | My Reconfiguration | MY- | This bit, if high, indicates that a past reconfiguration was caused by this | |
| RECON | node. It is set when the Lost Token Timer times out, and should be typically | |
| read following an interrupt caused by RECON. Refer to the Improved | |
| Diagnostics section for further detail. |
| |
6 | Duplicate ID | DUPID | This bit, if high, indicates that the value in the Node ID Register matches | |
| both Destination ID characters of the token and a response to this token has | |
| occurred. Trailing zero's are also verified. A logic "1" on this bit indicates a | |
| duplicate Node ID, thus the user should write a new value into the Node ID | |
| Register. This bit is only useful for duplicate ID detection when the device is | |
| off line, that is, when the transmitter is disabled. When the device is on line | |
| this bit will be set every time the device gets the token. This bit is reset | |
| automatically upon reading the Diagnostic Status Register. Refer to the | |
| Improved Diagnostics section for further detail. |
| |
5 | Receive | RCVACT | This bit, if high, indicates that data activity (logic "1") was detected on the | |
| Activity |
| RXIN pin of the device. Refer to the Improved | Diagnostics section for |
| further detail. |
| |
4 | Token Seen | TOKEN | This bit, if high, indicates that a token has been seen on the network, sent by | |
| a node other than this one. Refer to the Improved Diagnostic section for | |
| further detail. |
| |
3 | Excessive NAK | EXCNAK | This bit, if high, indicates that either 128 or 4 Negative Acknowledgements | |
| have occurred in response to the Free Buffer Enquiry. This bit is cleared | |
| upon the "POR Clear Flags" command. Reading the Diagnostic Status | |
| Register does not clear this bit. This bit, when set, will cause an interrupt if | |
| the corresponding bit in the IMR is also set. Refer to the Improved | |
| Diagnostics section for further detail. |
| |
2 | Tentative ID | TENTID | This bit, if high, indicates that a response to a token whose DID matches the | |
| value in the Tentative ID Register has occurred. The second DID and the | |
| trailing zero's are not checked. Since each node sees every token passed | |
| around the network, this feature can be used with the device | |
| to build and update a network map. Refer to the Improved Diagnostics | |
| section for further detail. |
| |
1 | New Next ID | NEW | This bit, if high, indicates that the Next ID Register has been updated and | |
| NXTID | that a node has either joined or left the network. | Reading the Diagnostic |
| Status Register does not clear this bit. This bit, when set, will cause an | |
| interrupt if the corresponding bit in the IMR is also set. The bit is cleared by | |
| reading the Next ID Register. |
1,0 | (Reserved) |
| These bits are undefined. |