| CZECH | |
Advanced Recording |
| Techniky z‡znamu | ||
DSE(Digital Special Effect) |
| DSE (Digital Special Effect) Ð Zvl‡ätn’ digit‡ln’ efekty | ||
- The DSE function works in CAMERA mode only. |
| Ð Funkce DSE pracuje pouze v reìimu Camera. | ||
- The digital effects enable you to give a creative look to your shooting | Ð Digit‡ln’ efekty v‡m umoìËuj’ pÞidat vaäim nahr‡vk‡m umžleckù vzhled. | |||
by adding various special effects. |
| Ð Vyberte pÞ’sluänù digit‡ln’ efekt podle typu scŽny, kterou chcete | ||
- Select the appropriate digital effect for the type of picture that you wish | nat‡‹et. |
| ||
to shoot and the effect that you wish to give. |
| Ð K dispozici je 6 reìimó DSE. | ||
- There are 6 DSE modes. |
| |
a. NEGA mode |
| a. Reìim NEGA (Negativ) | ||
This mode allows the shooting to be taken by |
| Tento reìim v‡m umoìËuje nat‡‹et v opa‹nùch | |
reflecting the colour of the image. |
| barv‡ch. | |
b. B/W mode |
| b. Reìim B/W (‰ernob’lù) | ||
This mode allows the image to be in black and | a | b | Tento reìim umoìËuje nat‡‹et obraz v ‹ernob’lŽm | |
white. | proveden’. | |||
| |||
c. WIDE mode |
| c. Reìim WIDE (áirokoœhlù) | ||
This mode allows WIDE(16:9) television display. |
| Tento reìim umoìËuje äirokoœhlŽ zobrazen’ (16:9). | |
You can view the narrow image only on the | c | d | òzkŽ zobrazen’ móìete sledovat pouze na LCD | |
EVF/LCD or normal TV. | nebo norm‡ln’ TV. | |||
| |||
d. MOSAIC mode |
| d. Reìim MOSAIC (Mozaika) | ||
This mode gives the image a mosaic effect. |
| Tento reìim nab’z’ mozaikovù (‹tvere‹kovanù) | |
e. MIRROR mode | e | f | efekt. | |
| e. Reìim MIRROR (Zrcadlo) | |||
This mode cuts the image by half, using the |
| |||
mirror effect. |
| Tento reìim umoìËuje rozpólen’ obrazu s pouìit’m | |
f. GHOST mode |
| zrcadlovŽho efektu. | |
| f. | Reìim GHOST (Duch) | ||
This mode gives the image a dragging effect. |
| |||
| Tento reìim doplËuje obraz tzv.: ÒduchovymiÓ | |
| konturami. |