ENGLISH | and Safety Instructions |
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Notices |
| Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ | ||||||
| |||||
Notices regarding COPYRIGHT |
| Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se autorskùch pr‡v |
| ||||
Television programs, video tapes, DVD titles, films, and other program |
| Televizn’ programy, video kazety, DVD tituly, filmy a jinŽ programy | ||||||
materials may be copyrighted. |
| mohou bùt chr‡nžny autorskùmi pr‡vy. | ||||||
Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material may be against the law. |
| Neopr‡vnžnŽ kop’rov‡n’ materi‡ló chr‡nžnùch autorskùmi pr‡vy je | ||||||
| protiz‡konnŽ. | |||
| |||||
Notices regarding moisture condensation |
| Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se kondenzace vlhkosti |
| ||||
1. | A sudden rise in atmospheric temperature may cause condensation to | 1. | Zmžny teploty okoln’ho prostÞed’ mohou zpósobit kondenzaci vlhkosti | |||||
| form inside the camcorder. |
| uvnitÞ videokamery. | ||||
for example: |
| NapÞ’klad: | ||||||
- | When you move the camcorder from cold outside to warm inside |
| - Jestliìe v zimž pÞem’st’te videokameru z venkovn’ho chladnŽho | |||||
| during the winter. |
| prostÞed’ do teplŽ m’stnosti. | ||||
- | When you move the camcorder from cool inside to hot outside during |
| - Jestliìe v lŽtž pÞem’st’te videokameru z vnitÞn’ chladnŽ m’stnosti do | |||||
| the summer. |
| venkovn’ho horkŽho prostÞed’. | ||||
2. | If the “DEW” protection feature is activated, leave the camcorder for | 2. | ||||||
| at least two hours in a dry, warm room with the cassette compartment |
| vyjmžte baterii a ponechte videokameru na suchŽm, teplŽm m’stž po | ||||
| opened and the battery removed. |
| dobu nejmŽnž dvou hodin. | ||||
3. | If the “DEW” protection feature is activated unexpectedly, and you | 3. | ||||||
| want to override it, press the RESET button using a |
| vypnout, stisknžte tla‹’tko RESET za pouìit’ äpi‹atŽho pÞedmžtu. | ||||
| object. (If you press the RESET button, all the settings including the |
| |||||
| date and time, return to default.) |
| vr‡t’ ke standardn’mu nastaven’). | ||||
| Please make sure that the condensation has disappeared completely. |
| Ujistžte se, ìe vlhkost œplnž zmizela. | ||||
| |||||
Notices regarding CAMCORDER |
| Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se videokamery |
| ||||
1. Do not leave the camcorder exposed to high temperature(above | 1. | Nevystavujte videokameru vysokùm teplot‡m (nad 60°C). NapÞ’klad | ||||||
| 60°C or 140°F). For example, in a parked car in the sun or under |
| v autž zaparkovanŽm na slunci nebo na pÞ’mŽm slune‹n’m svžtle. | ||||
| direct sunlight. | 2. | Nevystavujte videokameru vlhkosti. ChraËte ji pÞed deätžm, | |||||
2. Do not let the camcorder get wet. |
| moÞskou vodou nebo jakoukoliv jinou vlhkost’. V pÞ’padž proniknut’ | |||||
| Keep the camcorder away from rain, sea water, and any other form |
| vody do videokamery, móìe doj’t k poäkozen’. | ||||
| of moisture. If the camcorder gets wet, it may be damaged. |
| Takto zpósoben‡ nefunk‹nost móìe bùt neopraviteln‡. | ||||
| Sometimes malfunction cannot be repaired. |
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