| |
| ENGLISH | Recording |
| CZECH | ||||||
Basic | Z‡klady z‡znamu | ||||||||||||||
| |||||||
| Making the First Recording |
| V‡ä prvn’ videoz‡znam | ||||||||||||
Make sure that you make these preparations. | Na za‹‡tku se pÞesvžd‹ete, ìe jsou splnžny n‡sleduj’c’ podm’nky. | ||||||||||||||
| Did you connect a power source? (Battery Pack or DC cable) | Je pÞipojen zdroj energie (Akumul‡tor nebo kabel s’éovŽho adaptŽru)? | ||||||||||||
| Did you set the Power switch to the CAMERA position? | Je nastaven reìim Camera? | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
| Did you insert a cassette? | Je vloìena kazeta? |
| ||||||||||
| Open the LCD monitor and make sure that STBY is displayed in the | OtevÞete LCD monitor a pÞesvžd‹ete se, ìe je zobrazena indikace | ||||||||||||
| OSD. (If the protection tab of the cassette is opened, STOP will be | STBY (pokud je na kazetž chr‡nžn z‡pis, zobraz’ se STOP). | ||||||||||||
| displayed) | Jestliìe chcete sledovat obraz v hled‡‹ku, zavÞete LCD monitor. | ||||||||||||
| If you want to see the image in the Viewfinder, close the LCD monitor. | Je sejmutù kryt objektivu? | ||||||||||||
| Did you open the LENS CAP? | PÞesvžd‹ete se, ìe poìadovanù z‡bžr je na LCD monitoru nebo v | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
| Make sure the image you want to shoot appears in the LCD monitor or | hled‡‹ku. |
| ||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
| Viewfinder. |
| Zkontrolujte na indikaci stavu akumul‡toru dostatek | ||||
| ||||||
| ||||||||||||
| Make sure the battery level indicates that there is |
| energie k z‡znamu . | ||||
| ||||||
| ||||||
| enough remaining power for recording. |
| Ð | Stiskem tla‹’tka START/STOP zah‡j’te | |||||
| ||||||||
| - To start recording, press the START/STOP button. |
| nahr‡v‡n’. Nahr‡v‡n’ za‹ne a na monitoru se | |||
| Recording starts and REC is displayed on the LCD. |
| objev’ REC. | |||
| |||||
| - To stop recording, press the START/STOP |
| Ð | Nat‡‹en’ zastav’te opžtovnùm stiskem tla‹’tko | |||||
| ||||||||
| button again. |
| START/STOP. Nat‡‹en’ skon‹’ a na monitoru | |||
| Recording stops and STBY is displayed on the LCD. |
| se objev’ STBY. | |||
| |||||
| ||
| When a cassette is loaded and the camcorder is left in the STBY mode |
| Jestliìe je do videokamery vloìena kazeta a je indikov‡n reìim STBY, | |||||||||||
| for over 3 minutes without being used, it will switch off automatically. |
| pak po 3 minut‡ch nepouì’v‡n’, se videokamera automatickù vypne. | |||||||||||
| To use it again, push the START/STOP button or set the Power switch |
| OpžtovnŽ pouìit’ zvol’te pomoc’ tla‹’tka START/STOP nebo pÞepnut’m | |||||||||||
| to OFF and then back to CAMERA. This Auto Power off feature is |
| pÞep’na‹e do polohy OFF a zpžt do polohy Camera. Tato funkce chr‡n’ | |||||||||||
| designed to save battery power. |
| baterii pÞed neœ‹elnùm vybit’m. | |||||||||||
Edit Search
Funkce Edit Search (Najdi z‡znam)
-You can view a recorded scene with the EDIT +, – function in STBY mode. EDIT – enables you to reverse and EDIT + enables you to forward, for as
long as you keep pressing.
-If you press the the EDIT – button quickly in STBY mode, your camcorder will play back in reverse for
3 seconds and return to the original position automatically.
ÐPomoc’ tla‹’tek EDIT + (smžrem vpÞed),
Ð (smžrem vzad) si v reìimu STBY móìete prohlŽdnout nahranù z‡znam.
ÐJestliìe v reìime STBY kr‡tce stisknete tla‹’tko EDIT, videokamera pÞehraje zpžtnž 3 sekundy z‡znamu a automatickù se vr‡t’ do póvodn’ polohy.