Samsung VP-D65, VP-D60 manual Using the Lithium Ion Battery Pack, Pouìit’ lithiovŽ baterie

Page 22


































Using the Lithium Ion Battery Pack



Pouìit’ lithiovŽ baterie














Table of continuous recording time based on model and battery type.


Tabulka pÞibliìnŽ dŽlky nepÞetrìitŽho z‡znamu v z‡vislosti na modelu a typu baterie.
























































Cca 50 minut


Cca 50 minut

Cca 50 minut


50 minutes


50 minutes

50 minutes






































Cca 100 minut


Cca 100 minut

Cca 100 minut


100 minutes


100 minutes

100 minutes

























The continuous recording times given in the table are


‰asovŽ œdaje uvedenŽ v tabulce jsou pouze orienta‹n’.

approximate. Actual recording time depends on usage.


Skute‹ny ‹as je z‡vislù na zpósobu pouìit’.





























The battery pack should be recharged in a room temperature that


Akumul‡tor nab’jejte pÞi pokojovŽ teplotž (0°-40°C), nikdy väak pÞi

is between 0°C and 40°C. It should never be charged in a room


teplotž niìä’ neì 0°C.




temperature that is below 0°C.




ëivotnost a pouìit’ akumul‡toru se zkr‡t’, pouìijete-li jej v prostÞed’

The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if it is


s teplotou niìä’ neì 0°C nebo v prostÞed’ s vyää’ teplotou neì

used in temperatures below 0°C, even when it is fully recharged.


40°C, a to i pÞi œplnŽm nabit’.




The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if the


Neodkl‡dejte akumul‡tor bl’zko tepelnŽho zdroje (napÞ. ohnž).

battery pack is left in temperatures above 40°C for a long period,


Nikdy akumul‡tor nerozeb’rejte, nestla‹ujte nebo nezahÞ’vejte.

even when it is fully recharged.



Kladnù a z‡pornù p—l akumul‡toru by nikdy nemžl pÞij’t do

Do not put the battery pack near any heat source (fire or flames,


kontaktu s kovovùmi materi‡ly.




for example).




To by mohlo zpósobit poäkozen’ baterie, tvorbu tepla, indukci

Do not disassemble, process, pressure, or heat the Lithium Ion


nebo oheË a pÞehÞ‡t’.




Battery Pack.











Do not allow metal substances to contact the + and – terminals of the Lithium Ion Battery Pack.

It can cause leakage, heat generation, induction of fire and overheating.


Image 22
Contents Digit‡ln’ videokamera Contents Maintenance Playing back a TapeBezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se ot‡‹en’ LCD monitoruUpozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se autorskùch pr‡v Safety InstructionsBezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se kondenzace vlhkostiSafety Instructions Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se elektronickŽho hled‡‹ku Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se objektivuUpozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se popruhu pro ruku Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se ‹iätžn’ video hlav Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou Accessories Supplied with camcorderTo Know Your Camcorder PÞ’sluäenstv’ dod‡vanŽ s videokamerouFeatures PhotoLens XDR/BLCOSD ON/OFF ResetDATE/TIME DSE ON/OFF Program AE ON/OFF Menu ON/OFF DATE/TIME see Program AE ON/OFF seeViewfinder Photo button Zoom lever Stop StillGetting Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou Vyjmut’ baterie Vyjmut’ p‡skyPlay REW FF Stop Photo START/STOP Self Timer Photo START/STOP Self Timer Slow StillPlay OSDOn Screen Display OSDTurning OSD on/off OSD zobrazen’ na displeji hled‡‹kuTurning on/off the DATE/TIME How to use the Remote Control Jak pouì’vat d‡lkovŽ ovl‡d‡n’PÞ’prava Adjusting the Hand Strap and Shoulder StrapPreparing Nastaven’ p‡sku pro ruku a popruhu pro pÞen‡äen’Connecting a Power Source PÞipojen’ videokamery ke zdroji nap‡jen’To use the Lithium Ion Battery Pack Pouìit’ lithiovŽ baterie Charging the Lithium Ion Battery Pack Dob’jen’ akumul‡toruUsing the Lithium Ion Battery Pack Pouìit’ lithiovŽ baterieTips for Battery Identification Battery level displayBattery level display indicates the amount Tip pro identifikaci stavu akumul‡toruVloìen’ a vyjmut’ z‡znamovŽ kazety How to keep a tapeInserting and Ejecting a Cassette ‡znam je moìnù‡klady z‡znamu RecordingBasic Making the First RecordingRecording with Viewfinder Recording with the LCD monitorSn’m‡n’ pomoc’ LCD monitoru Sn’m‡n’ pomoc’ hled‡‹kuNataven’ LCD monitoru Adjusting the LCDUsing the Viewfinder Hled‡‹ekPlaying back a tape you have recorded on the LCD PÞehr‡v‡n’ z‡znamu na LCD monitoruControlling Sound from the Speaker Ovl‡d‡n’ œrovnž hlasitosti reproduktoruPlayer mode Using the Various FunctionsSetting the menu item Nastaven’ ur‹itŽho reìimu Advanced RecordingTechniky z‡znamu LCD AdjustDIS Digital Image Stabilizer Zooming In and Out with Digital Zoom Digit‡ln’ Zoom Zooming In and Out Funkce Zoom In a OutDigital Zoom Digit‡ln’ Zoom Digital ZoomVideo insertion Zero MemoryVsunut’ jinŽho video z‡znamu Setting the Program AE Program AEAdvanced Recording Selecting an effect Vùbžr efektu SelectWhite Balance White BalanceShutter Speed IrisAudio Mode Audio ModeClock Setting DATE/TIME Tuning on/off the DATE/TIMEVypnut’/zapnut’ data a ‹asu AF/MF Auto Focus/Manual Focus Auto FocusingManual Focusing AF/MF AutomatickŽ a ru‹n’ zaostÞov‡n’XDRVP-D65 only/BLC XDR pouze u VP-D65/BLCTo Start Recording Fade In and OutFunkce Fade In a Fade Out Ð zatm’v‡n’ a roztm’v‡n’ Zah‡jen’ z‡znamuPIP Picture-in-Picture Funkce PIP Obraz v obrazePlayback dubbed Audio Audio dubbingFunkce Audio dabing Stop PÞehr‡v‡n’ dabovanŽho zvukuPhoto Funkce PhotoTaking the still picture Nat‡‹en’ st‡lŽho obrazu SearchVarious Recording Techniques RóznŽ techniky nahr‡v‡n’After Recording Lighting TechniquesOsvžtlovac’ techniky Po skon‹en’ nat‡‹en’To watch with LCD Playing back a TapePÞehr‡v‡n’ z‡znamu To watch with TV monitorPlayback PÞehr‡v‡n’Vyhled‡n’ scŽny Various Functions in Player modeRóznŽ funkce v reìimu Player Prohl’ìen’ z‡znamu sn’mek po sn’mkuConnecting with PC PÞipojen’ k po‹’ta‹i PÞenos dat pomoc’ Ieee 1394 i.LINK-DV a pÞipojen’PÞenos dat pÞes Ieee Ieee 1394 Data TransferSystem requirement PÞenos dat DV-CAPTURE a pÞipojen’ System Requirement SystŽmovŽ poìadavkyRS-232C Data Transfer VP-D60/D65 only Connection with PCTransferring Images to PC StillAfter finishing a recording MaintenanceÒdrìba Po skon‹en’ nahr‡v‡n’Zpžtn‡ mont‡ì o‹nice hled‡‹ku Cleaning and Maintaining the Camcorder‰iätžn’ a œdrìba videokamery ‰iätžn’ video hlavPouìit’ videokamery v zahrani‹’ UsingYour Camcorder Abroad PAL-compatible areaTroubleshooting TroubleshootingÛeäen’ problŽmó Symptom Explanation/Solution Model name VP-D55/D60/D65 SpecificationsTechnickŽ œdaje Model VP-D55/D60/D65Index RejstÞ’kSamsung Electronics’ Internet Home InternetovŽ str‡nky Samsung Electronics