| CZECH | |
Preparing |
| PÞ’prava |
| ||||||
| ||
Using the Lithium Ion Battery Pack |
| Pouìit’ lithiovŽ baterie |
| |||||||
| ||||
Table of continuous recording time based on model and battery type. |
| Tabulka pÞibliìnŽ dŽlky nepÞetrìitŽho z‡znamu v z‡vislosti na modelu a typu baterie. | |||||||||||
Model |
| Model |
| |||||||
Battery |
| Baterie |
| |||||||
| ||
| Approximately |
| Approximately | Approximately |
| Cca 50 minut |
| Cca 50 minut | Cca 50 minut | |||
| 50 minutes |
| 50 minutes | 50 minutes |
| ||||||
| |||
| Approximately |
| Approximately | Approximately |
| Cca 100 minut |
| Cca 100 minut | Cca 100 minut | |||
| 100 minutes |
| 100 minutes | 100 minutes |
| ||||||
| |||
| ||||
✤ The continuous recording times given in the table are |
| ✤ ‰asovŽ œdaje uvedenŽ v tabulce jsou pouze orienta‹n’. | |||||||||||
approximate. Actual recording time depends on usage. |
| Skute‹ny ‹as je z‡vislù na zpósobu pouìit’. |
| |||||||||
Reference |
| Pozn‡mky |
| ||
✤ The battery pack should be recharged in a room temperature that |
| ✤ Akumul‡tor nab’jejte pÞi pokojovŽ teplotž | |||||||||||
is between 0°C and 40°C. It should never be charged in a room |
| teplotž niìä’ neì 0°C. |
| ||||||||
temperature that is below 0°C. |
| ✤ ëivotnost a pouìit’ akumul‡toru se zkr‡t’, | |||||||||
✤ The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if it is |
| s teplotou niìä’ neì 0°C nebo v prostÞed’ s vyää’ teplotou neì | |||||||||||
used in temperatures below 0°C, even when it is fully recharged. |
| 40°C, a to i pÞi œplnŽm nabit’. |
| ||||||||
✤ The life and capacity of the battery pack will be reduced if the |
| ✤ Neodkl‡dejte akumul‡tor bl’zko tepelnŽho zdroje (napÞ. ohnž). | |||||||||||
battery pack is left in temperatures above 40°C for a long period, |
| ✤ Nikdy akumul‡tor nerozeb’rejte, nestla‹ujte nebo nezahÞ’vejte. | |||||||||||
even when it is fully recharged. |
| ✤ Kladnù a z‡pornù | ||||||||||
✤ Do not put the battery pack near any heat source (fire or flames, |
| kontaktu s kovovùmi materi‡ly. |
| ||||||||
for example). |
| To by mohlo zpósobit poäkozen’ baterie, tvorbu tepla, indukci | |||||||||
✤ Do not disassemble, process, pressure, or heat the Lithium Ion |
| nebo oheË a pÞehÞ‡t’. |
| ||||||||
Battery Pack. |
✤Do not allow metal substances to contact the + and – terminals of the Lithium Ion Battery Pack.
It can cause leakage, heat generation, induction of fire and overheating.