Samsung VP-D60 Battery level display indicates the amount, Tips for Battery Identification

Page 23









































Battery level display


Kontroln’ œdaj o stavu akumul‡toru


• The battery level display indicates the amount


Tento œdaj na displeji videokamery poskytuje pÞehled o stavu

of power remaining in the battery pack.


nabit’ pÞipojenŽho akumul‡toru.

a. Fully charged








a. plnž nabitù








b. 10% used







b. spotÞebov‡no 10% kapacity








c. Half used








c. spotÞebov‡no 50% kapacity

d. Mostly used








d. tŽmžÞ vybity













e. Completely used (flickers)








e. œplnž vybity (videokamera se brzy vypne, vymžËte co

(camcorder will turn off soon, change the battery







nejdÞ’ve akumul‡tor)














as soon as possible)









































Please refer to the table on page 22 for approximate continuous recording times.

The recording time is affected by environmental temperature and con- ditions. The recording time becomes very short in a cold environment. The continuous recording time in the operating instruc- tions is measured under the condition of using a fully charged battery pack in 77°F(25°C). As the environmental

temperature and conditions may be different when you actually use the camcorder, the remaining battery time may not be the same as the approximate continuous recording times given in these instructions.

Tips for Battery Identification

A charge mark is provided on the battery pack to help you remember whether it has been charged or not.

Two colours are provided (red and black)-you may choose which one indicates charged and which indicates discharged.

Orienta‹n’ dŽlky nepÞeruäovanŽho z‡znamu s plnž nabitùm akumul‡torem jsou uvedeny v tabulce na stranž 22.

Z‡znamovù ‹as je z‡vislù i na okoln’ch teplotn’ch podm’nk‡ch. V chladnŽm prostÞed’ se velmi zkracuje.

Z‡znamovù ‹as uv‡džnù v tabulk‡ch je definov‡n s plnž nabitùm akumul‡torem pÞi teplotž okol’ 25°C.

Z‡znamovù ‹as v konkrŽtn’ch tepelnùch podm’nk‡ch se tedy od uvedenŽho ‹asu móìe liäit.

Tip pro identifikaci stavu akumul‡toru

Dva barevnŽ prvky Ð ‹ervenù a ‹ernù Ð na horn’ hranž akumul‡toru v‡m pomohou rozliäit, kter‡ jednotka je nabit‡, a kter‡ je neschopn‡ provozu.


Image 23
Contents Digit‡ln’ videokamera Contents Playing back a Tape MaintenanceUpozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se ot‡‹en’ LCD monitoru Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se kondenzace vlhkosti Safety InstructionsBezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se autorskùch pr‡vSafety Instructions Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se popruhu pro ruku Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se objektivuUpozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se elektronickŽho hled‡‹ku Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se ‹iätžn’ video hlav PÞ’sluäenstv’ dod‡vanŽ s videokamerou Accessories Supplied with camcorderTo Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerouPhoto FeaturesXDR/BLC LensDATE/TIME see Program AE ON/OFF see ResetDATE/TIME DSE ON/OFF Program AE ON/OFF Menu ON/OFF OSD ON/OFFStop Still Viewfinder Photo button Zoom leverVyjmut’ baterie Vyjmut’ p‡sky Getting Sezn‡men’ s videokamerouPlay Photo START/STOP Self Timer Slow StillPlay REW FF Stop Photo START/STOP Self Timer OSD OSDOn Screen DisplayTurning on/off the DATE/TIME OSD zobrazen’ na displeji hled‡‹kuTurning OSD on/off Jak pouì’vat d‡lkovŽ ovl‡d‡n’ How to use the Remote ControlNastaven’ p‡sku pro ruku a popruhu pro pÞen‡äen’ Adjusting the Hand Strap and Shoulder StrapPreparing PÞ’pravaPÞipojen’ videokamery ke zdroji nap‡jen’ Connecting a Power SourceCharging the Lithium Ion Battery Pack Dob’jen’ akumul‡toru To use the Lithium Ion Battery Pack Pouìit’ lithiovŽ bateriePouìit’ lithiovŽ baterie Using the Lithium Ion Battery PackTip pro identifikaci stavu akumul‡toru Battery level displayBattery level display indicates the amount Tips for Battery Identification‡znam je moìnù How to keep a tapeInserting and Ejecting a Cassette Vloìen’ a vyjmut’ z‡znamovŽ kazetyMaking the First Recording RecordingBasic ‡klady z‡znamuSn’m‡n’ pomoc’ hled‡‹ku Recording with the LCD monitorSn’m‡n’ pomoc’ LCD monitoru Recording with ViewfinderHled‡‹ek Adjusting the LCDUsing the Viewfinder Nataven’ LCD monitoruPÞehr‡v‡n’ z‡znamu na LCD monitoru Playing back a tape you have recorded on the LCDOvl‡d‡n’ œrovnž hlasitosti reproduktoru Controlling Sound from the SpeakerAdvanced Recording Using the Various FunctionsSetting the menu item Nastaven’ ur‹itŽho reìimu Player modeDIS Digital Image Stabilizer LCD AdjustTechniky z‡znamu Zooming In and Out Funkce Zoom In a Out Zooming In and Out with Digital Zoom Digit‡ln’ ZoomDigital Zoom Digital Zoom Digit‡ln’ ZoomVsunut’ jinŽho video z‡znamu Zero MemoryVideo insertion Program AE Setting the Program AEAdvanced Recording Select Selecting an effect Vùbžr efektuWhite Balance White BalanceIris Shutter SpeedAudio Mode Audio ModeVypnut’/zapnut’ data a ‹asu Tuning on/off the DATE/TIMEClock Setting DATE/TIME AF/MF AutomatickŽ a ru‹n’ zaostÞov‡n’ Auto FocusingManual Focusing AF/MF Auto Focus/Manual FocusXDR pouze u VP-D65/BLC XDRVP-D65 only/BLCZah‡jen’ z‡znamu Fade In and OutFunkce Fade In a Fade Out Ð zatm’v‡n’ a roztm’v‡n’ To Start RecordingFunkce PIP Obraz v obraze PIP Picture-in-PictureStop PÞehr‡v‡n’ dabovanŽho zvuku Audio dubbingFunkce Audio dabing Playback dubbed AudioFunkce Photo PhotoSearch Taking the still picture Nat‡‹en’ st‡lŽho obrazuRóznŽ techniky nahr‡v‡n’ Various Recording TechniquesPo skon‹en’ nat‡‹en’ Lighting TechniquesOsvžtlovac’ techniky After RecordingTo watch with TV monitor Playing back a TapePÞehr‡v‡n’ z‡znamu To watch with LCDPÞehr‡v‡n’ PlaybackProhl’ìen’ z‡znamu sn’mek po sn’mku Various Functions in Player modeRóznŽ funkce v reìimu Player Vyhled‡n’ scŽnyPÞenos dat pomoc’ Ieee 1394 i.LINK-DV a pÞipojen’ Connecting with PC PÞipojen’ k po‹’ta‹iSystem requirement Ieee 1394 Data TransferPÞenos dat pÞes Ieee System Requirement SystŽmovŽ poìadavky PÞenos dat DV-CAPTURE a pÞipojen’Connection with PC RS-232C Data Transfer VP-D60/D65 onlyStill Transferring Images to PCPo skon‹en’ nahr‡v‡n’ MaintenanceÒdrìba After finishing a recording‰iätžn’ video hlav Cleaning and Maintaining the Camcorder‰iätžn’ a œdrìba videokamery Zpžtn‡ mont‡ì o‹nice hled‡‹kuPAL-compatible area UsingYour Camcorder Abroad Pouìit’ videokamery v zahrani‹’Ûeäen’ problŽmó TroubleshootingTroubleshooting Symptom Explanation/Solution Model VP-D55/D60/D65 SpecificationsTechnickŽ œdaje Model name VP-D55/D60/D65RejstÞ’k IndexInternetovŽ str‡nky Samsung Electronics Samsung Electronics’ Internet Home