Advanced Recording |
| Techniky z‡znamu | ||||
| ||||
Various Recording Techniques |
| RóznŽ techniky nahr‡v‡n’ | |||
- In some situations different recording techniques may be required for |
| Ð V nžkterùch pÞ’padech pro lepä’ filmovŽ vùsledky mohou bùt | ||||
more dramatic results. |
| poìadov‡ny róznŽ nahr‡vac’ techniky. | ||||
| |
Reference | Please rotate the LCD screen carefully. |
| Pozn‡mka | Ð LCD monitorem pros’m ot‡‹ejte velmi opatrnž. | ||
| Unintended rotation may cause damage to the inside of |
| ápatnŽ oto‹en’ móìe vŽst k poäkozen’ pantó, | ||
| the hinge that co nnects the LCD screen to the Camcorder. |
| kterŽ pÞipojuj’ LCD k videokameÞe. | ||
1. General recording. | 1 |
2. Downward recording. | 2 |
Making a recording by looking at the LCD screen from the top.
1.ObecnŽ nat‡‹en’
2.Nat‡‹en’ smžrem doló
Nat‡‹en’ s pohledem do LCD monitoru shora.
3. Upward recording. | 3 | 3. Nat‡‹en’ smžrem vzhóru |
Making a recording by looking at the LCD screen from the bottom.
Nat‡‹en’ s pohledem do LCD monitoru zdola.
4. Self record
Making a recording by looking at the LCD screen from the front.
Reference | When the LCD screen faces front, | |
| indications are turned off. |
5. Recording with Viewfinder.
In circumstances where it is difficult to use the LCD monitor, the viewfinder can be used as a convenient alternative.
4. Nat‡‹en’ sebe sama
Nat‡‹en’ s pohledem na LCD monitor zepÞedu.
Pozn‡mka jestliìe LCD monitor je oto‹en
smžrem dopÞedu, indikace se vypnou.
5.Nat‡‹en’ s pomoc’ hled‡‹ku
■V situaci, kdy je tžìkŽ pouì’t LCD monitor, móìe bùt pouìit’ hled‡‹ku vhodnou alternativou.