| CZECH | |
Preparing |
| PÞ’prava |
| |
To use the Lithium Ion Battery Pack |
| Pouìit’ lithiovŽ baterie |
| |
Amount of continuous recording time depends on : |
| Doba nepÞetrìitŽho z‡znamu z‡vis’ na: | ||
- Which model of battery pack you are using. |
| Ð typu akumul‡toru, kterù pouì’v‡te | ||
- How much you use the Zoom function. |
| Ð jak ‹asto pouìijete funkci Zoom; Pokud se chyst‡te zoom pouì’vat | ||
It is, therefore, recommended that you have several available. | ‹astžji, mžjte pÞipraveny n‡hradn’ akumul‡tory. | |||
Charging the Lithium Ion Battery Pack |
| Dob’jen’ akumul‡toru |
| |
1. Attach the battery pack to the camcorder. | 1 | 1. | PÞipojte akumul‡tor k videokameÞe. | |
| ||
2. Connect the AC Power Adaptor to an AC cord |
| 2. | PÞipojte AC adaptŽr na AC kabel a zapojte | |
and connect the AC cord to a wall socket. | 2 | 3 | AC kabel do s’éovŽho rozvodu. | |
3. Connect DC cable to DC jack of the |
| 3. | Zapojte DC kabel do DC konektoru | |
camcorder. |
| videokamery. | |
4. Turn off the power of the camcorder, and |
| 4. | Vypnžte nap‡jen’ videokamery. Ukazatel | |
the charging indicator will start blinking and |
| |||
| nab’jen’ za‹ne blikat a nab’jen’ za‹’n‡. | ||
begin charging. |
| ||
| Ð blik‡n’ jedenkr‡t za sekundu indikuje | ||
- Blinking once a second : Indicates less than | 4 |
| ||
| mŽnž neì 50% nabit’. | |||
50% has been charged. |
| ||
| Ð blik‡n’ dvakr‡t za sekundu indikuje | ||
- Blinking twice a second : Indicates |
| |||
| 50% - 70% nabit’. | |||
50% ~ 75% has been charged. |
| ||
| Ð blik‡n’ tÞikr‡t za sekundu indikuje | ||
- Blinking three times a second : Indicates |
| ||
| 75% - 100% nabit’. | ||
75% ~ 100% has been charged. |
| ||
| Ð blik‡n’ se zastav’ a ukazatel trvale sv’t’ - nab’jen’ bylo dokon‹eno. | |||
- Blinking stops and stays on : Charging has been completed. | ||||
Ð svžtlo sekundu sv’t’ a sekundu nesv’t’ Ð indikace nžjakŽ chyby. | ||||
- On for a second and off for a second: Indicates that an error has | ||||
occurred. Reset the battery pack and DC cable. |
| Zkontrolujte akumul‡tor a DC kabel. | ||
5. If charging is completed, separate the camcorder, AC power adapter, | 5. Kdyì je nab’jen’ dokon‹eno, oddžlte od sebe videokameru, | |||
and battery pack. |
| AC adaptŽr a akumul‡tor. |
| |
- Even if the power is turned off, the battery will be discharged. | - k vyb’jen’ baterie doch‡z’ i kdyì videokameru nepouì’v‡te |
Reference | - The battery pack may be charged a little at the time | Pozn‡mka | Ð Akumul‡tor móìe bùt v dobž prodeje m’rnž nabitù. | |
| of purchase. |