Bushnell 11-0832 Review, LED/SOUND Indications, Software Installation, Connection to the Computer

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1)Photo number / Total Photos: Displays number of review photo / Total photos currently stored

2)Image Resolution: Indicates resolution of review photo


LED (Red)

1)Power On indication: steady light

2)Operation indication: blinks to confirm image capture after “Snap”. LED goes out while photo is being stored in memory, comes on again when storage operation is complete.

3)Self Timer indication: blinks once per second during timer countdown.

Audible alerts (beeps)

1)Power on: 2 short beeps; Power off: 2 short beeps;

2)Operation confirmation: 1 short beep.

3)Saving photo completed: 1 short beep.

4)Memory full (download, then delete photos to reuse memory): 3 short beeps.

5)Low battery warning: 3 long beeps.




Pentium® III 500 MHz

• 128 MB RAM

Windows® 98SE / Me / 2000 / XP

• 1024 x 768 screen display or higher


24-bit True color or higher

SVGA video card (2MB Video RAM)

• Internet access

800x600 screen display

• Photo quality color printer

16-bit High color


200 MB Hard Disk space available


CD-ROM drive



USB port




If the CD-ROM does not automatically launch the install screen, double click “ SETUP.EXE” in the CD-ROM file directory to start the installation.

Press [Next] to continue

As noted, be sure the camera is not plugged into your computer’s USB port before proceeding with the installation.

Then press [Next] to continue.

When the driver installation has completed, press [Finish] to end


1.Be sure the computer has finished installing the hardware driver.

2.Plug the small connector at one end of the supplied USB cable into the port above the SD card slot on the back of the camera (see fig.3). Plug the flat end of the USB cable directly into an available USB port on your computer (avoid the use of USB hubs).

3.The computer will identify the camera automatically.


Image 8
Contents Model LIT. # 98-0429/07-04 Contents Install Batteries and Optional SD Card Adjust the Binocular for Comfortable ViewingCheck Camera Settings Quick Guide Bushnell ImageviewTurning the Camera on and OFF Installing BatteriesBinocular Instructions Following settings are provided Changing Camera SettingsSettings pixels 2048×1536, 1600×1200, 1280×1024, 800×600 Taking a PictureTo USE Special Capture Modes Reviewing Photos Stored in MemoryPhoto is also seen Upper corner of the LCDLow 1 Battery Meter Displays battery level SD card Displayed when a card is insertedDELETING/PROTECTING Photos and Formatting a NEW SD Card Beginning to shoot photos. You may chooseSoftware Installation ReviewLED/SOUND Indications System Requirements for Included Photosuite SoftwareEither of two methods may be used Photo Suite 5 InstallationDownloading Photos Eyecups Figure FocusingEYE Adjustments Figure Instructions for Care of Binoculars Warranty / RepairCleaning Installation DES Piles ET DE LA Carte SD Optionnelle Guide Rapide Imageview BushnellActivation DE L’APPAREIL Photo ET DE L’ÉCRAN Réglage DES Jumelles Pour UNE Observation ConfortableInstructions Pour LES Jumelles Pour Mettre L’APPAREIL Photo Sous Tension ET Hors TensionPrise D’UNE Photo Pour Revoir ET Effacer DES PhotosPour Prendre UNE Photo Changement DES Réglages DE L’APPAREIL PhotoRéglages -2, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0, +0.5, +1, +1.5, +2 Capacité réelle dépend du contenu des photosUtilisation DES Modes Spéciaux DE Prise DE Vues Pour Visionner LES Photos MémoriséesDans ce menu Qualité de l’image *** le mieux, ** mieux, * standardSéquentielle icône d’images multiples Carte SD Affiché quand une carte est inséréeInstallation DU Logiciel Play LectureIndications PAR DEL/SON Système Requis Pour LE Logiciel Photosuite InclusInstallation DE Photo Suite Téléchargement DES PhotosCeilletons D’OCULAIRES figure Mise AU PointRéglages EN Fonction DES Yeux figure Garantie Limitée DE Deux ANS Instructions Pour L’ENTRETIEN DES JumellesNettoyage Comprobar LAS Configuraciones DE LA Cámara Guía Rápida DEL Imageview 11-0832 DE BushnellInstalar LAS Pilas Y LA Tarjeta SD Opcional Encender LA Cámara Y LA Pantalla DE VisualizaciónInstrucciones DEL Binocular Sacar UNA FotografíaVista Previa Y Borrar Fotografías Descargar Fotografías a SU ORDENADOR/COMPUTADORCambiar LA Configuración DE LA Cámara Pulse Menú para confirmar y volver al menú de configuraciónSe ofrecen las siguientes configuraciones Configuraciones -2, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0, +0.5, +1, +1.5, +2Para Usar Modalidades Especiales DE Disparo Excelente para tomar fotografías de deportes o acciónVista Previa DE LAS Fotografías Guardadas EN LA Memoria En la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla LCDSímbolos DE LA Pantalla LCD Iconos Visibles EN Medidor de pila Visualiza el nivel de las pilasGuardadas en la memoria interna o en la tarjeta SD Secuencial icono de imágenes múltiplesPlay Reproducir Indicacions DE LUZ LED/SONIDORequisitos DEL Sistema Para EL Software Photosuite Incluido Instalación DEL SoftwareSe puede usar cualquiera de los métodos siguientes Instalación DE Photo SuiteCómo SE Descargan LAS Fotografías Instrucciones DE LOS Binoculares EnfoqueAjustes Para LOS Ojos Figura Ojeras FiguraInstrucciones Para EL Cuidado DE LOS Binoculares LimpiezaKurzer Leitfaden Bushnell Imageview Batterien UND ALS Option DIE SD Karte EinlegenDIE Kamera UND DAS Display Einschalten DIE Kameraeinstellungen PrüfenEIN- UND Ausschalten DER Kamera Anleitung FÜR DIE StereokameraBatterien Einlegen EIN Bild Aufnehmen Änderung DER KameraeinstellungenFolgende Einstellungen sind vorhanden Einstellungen -2, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5,0, +0.5, +1, +1.5, +2To USE Benutzung Spezieller Aufnahmemodi Kontrolle VON Fotos IM SpeicherKontrolle Batteriemeßgerät Zeigt den Füllstand der Batterie anOder auf der SD Karte gespeicherten Fotos SD Karte Wird angezeigt, wenn eine Karte eingeschoben istAnschluss AN DEN Computer Play AbspielenLED/TON-ANGABEN Installation VON Photo Suite Downloaden VON FotosSie können die eine oder die andere Methode benutzen Alle Fotos AN Ihre Interne Festplatte Übertragen EmpfohlenAnleitung FÜR Fernglas FokussierenAugenanpassung Abbildung Augenmuscheln AbbildungAnleitung FÜR DIE Pflege VON Ferngläsern ReinigungInstallazione Delle Pile E Facoltativamente Della Scheda SD Guida DI Consultazione Rapida Bushnell ImageviewAccensione Della Fotocamera E DEL Display Regolazione DEL Binocolo PER UNA Visione SoddisfacenteInstallazione Delle Pile Istruzioni PER L’USO DEL BinocoloAccensione E Spegnimento Della Fotocamera Scatto DI UNA FotoRipresa DI UN’IMMAGINE Modifica Delle Impostazioni Della FotocameraSono disponibili le seguenti impostazioni Impostazioni -2, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5,0, +0.5, +1, +1.5, +2USO Delle Modalità DI Scatto Speciali Esame Delle Foto Memorizzate Nella FotocameraSequenza icona di più inquadrature Indicatore batteria segnala il livello di carica delle pile1280×1024, L 800×600 Installazione DEL Software Modalità Riproduzione PlaySPIE/SEGNALI Acustici Requisiti DI Sistema PER IL Software Photosuite InclusoPotete usare l’uno o l’altro dei due metodi che seguono Installazione DI Photo SuiteScaricamento Delle Foto Bordi Degli Oculari Figura Messa a FuocoRegolazioni PER L’ADATTAMENTO Agli Occhi Figura Garanzia Limitata PER DUE Anni Come Avere Cura DEL BinocoloPulizia Guia DE Consulta Rápida Bushnell Imageview Instale AS Pilhas E O Cartão DE Memória SD OpcionalLigue a Câmara E O Display White Bal Equilíbrio de branco Auto AutomáticoInstruções do Binóculo Instalação DAS PilhasComo Ligar E Desligar CâmaraComo Mudar AS Configurações DA Câmara Configurações -2, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5,0, +0.5, +1, +1.5, +2Configurações pixels 2048x1536, 1600x1200, 1280x1024 Como Tirar FotografiasPara Usar OS Modos Especiais AO Tirar Fotografias Como Examinar AS Fotografias Armazenadas NA MemóriaMedidor de pilhas Exibe o nível de carga das pilhas Armazenadas na memória interna ou no cartão SD1280x1024, L Superior, * Standard PadrãoPlay Reprodução Indicações DE LED/SOMRequisitos do Sistema Para O Software Photosuite Incluído Instalação do SoftwarePodem ser usados um dos seguintes métodos abaixo Instalação do Photo SuiteComo Fazer O Download DAS Fotografias Viseiras Figura FocalizaçãoAjuste AOS Olhos Figura Como Cuidar DOS Binóculos Evite bater ou derrubar o binóculoArmazene-o em um local fresco e seco Ele não é à prova d’água/embaçamentoBushnell Performance Optics