Rotate the crown until you get to DIVING mode.
DIVE TRACK and DIVE CHRONO modes measure water temperature, depth, and time of dive. Go deep.
If you so desire, you can use the DIVE CHRONO mode when you want a detailed record of each dive within a series of dives, or if you want to take splits during a dive. For instance, let's say you were going to spend a few minutes submerged to check some underwater equipment and you wanted to record how long you were underwater each time.
Well, DIVE CHRONO would be appropriate if not downright suitable. For all other diving applications, DIVE TRACK would be used.
Data in either mode can be viewed in English (ft. and degrees F) or metric (m. and degrees C). To learn how to switch between the two, see Setting the Format.
Diving time is measured in minutes. CHRONO mode rules as well as most proven laws of physics apply. Intermediate time spent on the surface can either be included or excluded. It's on you.
Rotate the crown until you get to DIVE TRACK mode.
Recording Depths and Temperatures
It is assumed that DIVE TRACK mode is accessed at or very near the surface, which will be recorded as a depth of zero. Depth readings will be taken every 5 seconds when
the depth is 5 ft. (1.5 m.) or more. Otherwise readings will be taken every 15 seconds. Temperature readings will be taken the same way.
During normal operation, the display will read the following: Line 1: Current temperature.
Line 2: Current depth. Line 3: Time of dive.
Line 4: Current time.
Timing Dives
Want to time your dive? Okey dokey, then. Diving time is measured in minutes. If you press the
start/split button or if the watch receives two consecutive depth readings greater than or equal to 5 ft. (1.5 m.) the timer will start doing
its thing.
The timer will stop when you press the stop/reset button or when the watch receives a reading of less than 5 ft. (1.5 m.). Once stopped, your maximum depth (indicated by the letters MA) will be displayed on Line 2 and total dive time will be
displayed on Line 3.
How to Treat Time at the Surface
How you treat surface time depends on your individual belief system — we let you decide. A. To choose whether or not to track surface time, pull the crown out to Position 3. SET TIMING appears.
B. Press either the stop/reset or start/split buttons to toggle between AT SURF CONT (continue timing while at the surface) or AT SURF PAUSE (pause timing while at the surface). Cool, huh? NOTE: At the completion of a dive in AT SURF CONT mode, you may reset the timing device by pressing and holding stop/reset until HOLD TO RESET appears and display resets.
ALSO: In AT SURF PAUSE mode, pressing the stop/reset button or resubmerging to a depth of 5 ft. (1.5 m.) or greater will restart timing.
Rotate the crown until you get to DIVE CHRONO mode.
Stranger things have happened, but really, it's no coincidence that whenever a split time is taken, a new depth reading is also taken. Upon
entering DIVE CHRONO mode, the timing mechanism is reset and depth is automatically calibrated to zero. When the start/split button is pressed or two consecutive readings of
5 ft. (1.5 m.) or greater are recorded, the