Special Features,
End of Cycle Signal
(select models)
The end of cycle signal will sound once the cycle is completed.
Unbalanced Spin
Load Compensator
Your new washer is designed to handle
For this reason, the cycle will always be completed. If heavier fabrics in such
Automatic Lint Filtering System
The Lint Filtering System does not require cleaning.
Wash and rinse water is filtered and
Safety Spin
If for any reason you open the washer lid when the washer is in a spin or extract period, the operation will immediately stop. This is for your personal safety. If your washer does not stop, call your service technician immediately. When the lid is closed, the operation will automatically resume.
Overload Protector
•The load being washed is too heavy.
•Too many appliances are plugged into the line operating your washer.
•A low voltage condition exists on the line.
•Lid is opened and closed repeatedly.
The overload protector permits the washer to start again when the motor has cooled to a safe operating temperature.
If the motor stops repeatedly, call your service technician.