Johnson Hardware IB-412 R01 Operating Instructions, Maintenance Instructions, Introduction

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Drill: Diameter 9mm.

Silicone sealant, white.

If you do not use self-locking nuts, you will need some nut-locking compound

1.Put the toilet in the selected position. Using the holes in the base as a guide, mark the positions for the 4 bolt holes on the mounting surface. Remove the toilet and drill 4 vertical holes, with a dia- meter of 9mm, through the mounting surface.

2.Apply the white silicone sealant to the outer rim of the bottom base.

3.Put the toilets on its place and tighten the fastenings securely. If you are not using self-locking nuts, use nutlocking compound.

Operating Instructions

The toilet is one of the most used pieces of equipment on your boat. Correct operation of the toilet is essential for the safety and comfort of your crew and craft.

Hazard Risk:

Accidental Damage

If the toilet is connected to ANY through-hull fittings that are below the waterline at any time, and if the toilet or pipe-work is damaged, water may flood in, causing the craft to sink, which may result in loss of life.

Therefore, after every usage; both seacocks (or secondary valves) MUST be shut.

Whenever your craft is unattended, even if only for a very short period of time, both seacocks (even if secondary valves are fitted) MUST be shut

Ensure that ALL users understand how to operate the toilet system correctly and safely, including seacocks and secondary valves

Take special care to instruct children, the elderly and visitors


1. First use

After periods without use the toilet may benefit from lubrication

1.Open inlet and outlet seacocks (and secondary valves if fitted)

2.Half fill the bowl with warm fresh water

3.Keeping the Flush Control Lever in the “Shut position”, pump out the warm water

2. Normal Use

Open inlet and outlet seacocks (and secondary valves if fitted).

Before use, ensure that there is enough water in the bowl to pre- vent the toilet paper becoming compacted at the bottom of the bowl. If the bowl is empty, move the Flush Control Lever to the

“Open position” and pump the handle up and down until the flush- ing pump is primed and water enters the bowl, then shut the

“Flush Control”.

Operate the pump with long, smooth strokes for efficient and easy operation.

During use, pump as necessary to keep the contents of the bowl low enough for comfort.

Use good quality hard or soft household toilet paper, but do not use more than necessary.

After use, keep the Flush Control Shut () and pump until the bowl is empty.

• When the bowl is empty, Open the Flush Control (

) again,

and continue to pump until all waste has either left the boat, or

reached the holding tank (allow 7 complete up/down strokes per

meter length of discharge pipe-work.


Afterwards, shut (

) the Flush Control and pump until the bowl is

empty, Always leave the bowl empty to minimise odour and spillage




NOTE: Do not put any of the following into the toilet: Sanitary Towels, Wet Strength Tissues, Cotton Wool, Cigarettes, Matches, Chewing Gum or any solid objects, Petrol, Diesel, Oil, Solvents of any kind or water more than hand warm.

3. Cleaning

A regular flushing with clean (sea)-water represents one of the most effective methods to keep the toilet clean and good smelling.

To clean the bowl, use any liquid or cream ceramic cleaner

To clean the rest of the toilet, including the seat and lid, use a non- abrasive liquid cleaner Polish with a dry cloth only.

To disinfect the toilet, use a liquid disinfectant diluted in accord- ance with the manufacturer’s instructions. It is possible to apply it to all parts of the toilet using a sponge or soft brush as necessary.

After applying any cleaning or disinfecting agent, always flush well. DO NOT ALLOW THESE AGENTS TO STAND IN THE SYSTEM.


Do not use abrasive pads on any part of the toilet and do not use cream cleaners except for the bowl.

Do not use thick liquid toilet cleansers or neat bleach because they may damage the valves, gaskets and seals.



Johnson Pump marine toilets normally do not require maintenance during the season, provided that they are winterized in the autumn and overhauled in the spring.

However, any toilet will benefit from:

Thorough flushing (refer to the operating instructions for normal use). Regular use if not regularly used, lubrication is beneficial (refer to the operating instructions for the first use)

HAZARD RISK LEAKS: If the toilet is connected to any through-hull fit- tings, and if the toilet or the pipework develops a minor leak, this leak can suddenly become a bigger leak which will allow water to flood in, causing the craft to sink, with subsequent loss of property and life.



1Preparation for winterization

Johnson Pump manual toilets are design to be simple to service; therefore no special skills are needed, as well as no special tools are required.

Flush the toilet according to the operating instructions for normal use and particularly ensure that all waste has left the discharge pipework, that the bowl is empty and that both seacocks are closed (even though secondary valves are fitted)

Mop-up any water which might come out of the system

2 Seal replacement

If water begins to leak round the piston rod on top of the pump, it means that the seal assembly is worn out and should be replaced. To this purpose, you will have to act as follows:

You will need a “Gasket kit”

Raise the handle to the top of its travel and wrap one turn of tape around the piston rod immediately below the handle. Using pliers, grip the piston rod only through the tape, unscrew the handle and remove the bumper washer. KEEP HOLD OF THE PISTON ROD AS


Image 12
Contents AquaT Marine Toilet Warranty GarantiGarantie GarantíaAllmänna instruktioner för samtliga installationer Installationsanvisningar, allmäntTillämpningar Rördragning Inlopp, 2 alternativRördragning Utlopp, 4 alternativ Alternativ Toalett över vattenlinjenAlternativ Alternativ Toalett över vattenlinjen och tömning överbordInstallationsanvisning SäkerhetInledning PlaceringDriftanvisningar UnderhållsinstruktionerMontering InledningService Förberedelse för vinterrustning Byte av tätningVinterrustning ÖversynDimensioner & Vikt Reservdelar och referenslistaInstallation instructions, General ApplicationsPipework Inlet, 2 alternatives Testing Pipework Outlet, 4 alternativesAlternative Toilet above the waterline AlternativeInstallation Instructions SafetyIntroduction LocationMaintenance Instructions Operating InstructionsIntroduction Winterization OverhaulSpare Parts & Reference guide Installationsanweisungen, Allgemeines AnwendungenRohrleitung Einlauf, 2 Möglichkeiten Rohrleitung Auslauf, 4 Möglichkeiten Möglichkeit Toilette über die WasserlinieMöglichkeit PrüfenMontageanweisungen EinleitungMontageort MontageBetriebsanweisungen WartungsanweisungenEinleitung Dichtung ersetzen Winterfest machenInstandsetzung Abmessungen und Gewichte Ersatzteile und BezugInstructions d’installation, Généralités Tuyauterie Prise d’eau, 2 alternativesTuyauterie Evacuation, 4 alternatives Alternative Toilettes au-dessus de la ligne de flottaisonEssais Vous pouvez utiliser un clapet de non-retour de 19 mm 3/4Instructions Pour L’INSTALLATION EmplacementSecurite Tuyauterie Desserree Bord de la cuvette en dessous de la ligne de flottaisonInstructions D’UTILISATION Première utilisationUtilisation normale NettoyageInstructions Pour LA Maintenance Service d’entretien Préparation pour l’hivernageRemplacement du dispositif d’étanchéité Remise en serviceDimensions & Poids Venablement serréPièces de rechange & Guide de référence Fixer le cylindre à la base des toilettes ÉtriersAplicaciones Instrucciones de instalación, GeneralTuberías Entrada, 2 alternativas Tuberías Salida, 4 alternativas Alternativa Aseo por encima de la línea de flotaciónAlternativa PruebasInstrucciones DE Instalación SeguridadIntroducción UbicaciónInstrucciones DE Funcionamiento Instructiones DE MantenimientoMontaje IntroducciónRemplazo del sellado Preparación para el inviernoRevisión y Puesta a punto PrecauciónDimensiones & Peso Piezas de repuesto & Guía de referenciaIstruzioni di installazione, Generale ApplicazioniTubazioni Entrata, 2 alternative Tubazioni Sbocco, 4 alternative TestSicurezza Istruzioni DI Installazione IntroduzioneCollocazione MontaggioIstruzioni DI Funzionamento Istruzioni PER LA ManutenzioneIntroduzione Istruzioni di servizio Preparazione per la messa a riposo Sostitizione delle guarnizioniMessa a riposo RevisioneDimensioni e peso Parti di Ricambio e Guida di RiferimentoPage Johnson Pump AB