Supply Fan Control with IGV Option Ð The inlet guide vane option will modulate the supply fan air¯ow in order to maintain the static pressure in the supply duct. The set point for duct static pressure is established at the differ- ential pressure switch for the IGV control.
The IGV differential pressure switch has an adjustable set point range of 1.1 to 3.5 in. wg. and a factory setting of 1.9 in. wg.
To adjust set point, turn set point adjusting screw (see Fig. 39) clockwise to decrease set point and counterclock- wise to increase set point. This switch also has an adjustable null span. The null span is the pressure change that can be made without contacts opening or closing. It is adjustable from 0.06 in. wg to 0.17 in. wg when set point is at mini- mum position (1.1 in. wg) and 0.11 in. wg to 0.31 in. wg when set point is at maximum position (3.5 in. wg). To ad- just null span, turn a null adjusting screw (Fig. 39) clock- wise to decrease span and counterclockwise to increase span. All switches leave factory with null span set at maximum position. The smaller the null span, the closer the pressure will be maintained to desired set point.
Supply Fan Control with VFD Option Ð The VFD option will modulate Supply Fan motor (and thus wheel) speed to maintain the static pressure in the ductwork. Set point for the VFD option is set at the VFD, using the display key- board on the front of the VFD enclosure. See Fig. 40.
NOTE: The VFD will always provide the proper phase sequence to the
To set the duct static pressure, perform the following steps. The factory setting is 2.5 in. wg. The duct transducer has a range from 0 to 5 in. wg. The transducer output is 4 to 20 mA, therefore, 0 to 5 in. wg is proportional to the 4 to 20 mA and must be expressed to the VFD in terms of per- centage of the frequency range. Refer to Table 13. The set point value is a percentage of the maximum output fre- quency. Locate the duct static pressure closest to that de- sired and use the corresponding set point value. If necessary, interpolation between duct static pressures is permissible.
*The inlet guide vane differential pressure switch for the
Fig. 36 Ð Inlet Guide Vane Motor,
50FK,JK034-074 Units
*The inlet guide vane differential pressure switch for the
Fig. 37 Ð Inlet Guide Vane Motor, 48FK,JK, 50FY,JY,
and 50FJX,FJY,FKX,FKY034-074 Units
Fig. 38 Ð Inlet Guide Vane Motor,
Size 078-104 Units