ALM | Ð Alarm | LAT | Ð |
C | Ð Contactor | LPS | Ð |
CB | Ð Circuit Breaker | MTR | Ð Motor |
CCB | Ð Control Circuit Breaker | MV | Ð Main Valve |
COMP | Ð Compressor | NC | Ð Normally Closed |
CH | Ð Crankcase Heater | NO | Ð Normally Open |
CR | Ð Control Relay | OFC | Ð Outdoor Fan Contactor |
DPS | Ð Differential Pressure Switch | OFM | Ð Outdoor (Condenser) Fan Motor |
DPT | Ð Discharge Pressure Transducer | OMR | Ð Outdoor Motor Relay |
EAT | Ð | PCB | Ð Power Exhaust Circuit Breaker |
EC | Ð Enthalpy Control | PEC | Ð Power Exhaust Contactor |
ECR | Ð Economizer Close Relay | PEDM Ð Power Exhaust Damper Motor | |
EOR | Ð Economizer Open Relay | PEM | Ð Power Exhaust Motor |
EQUIP | Ð Equipment | P, PL | Ð Plug |
FS | Ð Fan Status Switch | RCB | Ð Return Fan Circuit Breaker |
GND | Ð Ground | RES | Ð Resistor |
HIR | Ð Heat Interlock Relay | RFC | Ð Return Fan Contactror |
HPS | Ð | RFM | Ð Return Fan Motor |
HR | Ð Heater Relay | SCT | Ð Saturated Condensing Thermistor |
HTR | Ð Heater | TB | Ð Terminal Block |
IDC | Ð Induced Draft Contactor | TRAN | Ð Transformer |
IDM | Ð Induced Draft Motor | U | Ð Unloader |
IFC | Ð Indoor (Evaporator) Fan Contactor | VFD | Ð Variable Frequence Drive |
IFCB | Ð Indoor Fan Circuit Breaker |
| Field Wiring |
IGV | Ð Inlet Guide Vanes |
| |
| Factory Wiring | ||
IGVM | Ð Inlet Guide Vanes Motor |
1. Connect TRAN1 to H4 for 460 v units. Connect to H3 for 230 v units. If 208/230 v units are run with a 208 v power supply connect to H2 .
2.Connect TRAN2 to BLK lead for 460 v units. Connect to ORN lead for 230 v units. If 208/230 v units are run with a 208 v power sup- ply connect to RED lead.
3.Circuit breaker must trip amps are equal to or less than 156% FLA (full load amps) for CB1 and CB2. All others are 140%.
4.If any of the original wire furnished must be replaced, it must be replaced with type 90° C wire or its equivalent.
5.Number(s) indicates the line location of contacts. A bracket over
(2) numbers signi®es single pole double throw contacts. An un- derlined number signi®es a normally closed contact. Plain num- bers (no lines), signify a normally opened contact.
6.Condenser fan motors are thermally protected.
7.Three phase motors are protected under primary single phasing conditions.