Your PC’s Desktop
Your PC’s Desktop
My Computer
Use this to see which files and folders are accessible on your PC or network
Recycle bin
The recycle bin stores files temporarily before they are deleted
Use this to place shortcuts to programs you use regularly or even files or folders. This is where program windows are displayed.
Start button
Use this to start programs, open documents, find help and change your PC’s settings
Taskbar button This shows you which applications are running. Click on these buttons to open a program window
Note All the features described in this section are standard to Windows. For further details on any of these features, together with details on general Windows functionality, refer to the relevant Windows documentation or to Windows Help.
You can find out more about your Windows desktop by following the Windows Tour (click on Using Your HP Brio PC - Windows Tour in the HP Brio Center) or by referring to the Windows documentation supplied with your computer.