Regulatory Information
This equipment has been approved in accordance with Council Decision 98/482/EC for Pan European single terminal connection to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). However, due to differences between individual PSTNs provided in different countries the approval does not, of itself, give an unconditional assurance of successful operation on every PSTN network termination point.
In the event of problems, you should contact your equipment supplier in the first instance.
Dieses Geraet wurde gemaess der Entscheidung 98/482/EG des Rates europaweit zur Anschaltung als einzelne Endeinrichtung an das oeffentliche Fernsprechnetz zugelassen. Aufgrund der zwischen den oeffentlichen Fernsprechnetzen verschiedener Staaten bestehenden Unterschiede Stellt diese Zulassung an sich jedoch keine unbedingte Gewaehr fuer einen erfolgreichen Betrieb des Geraets an jedem Netzabschlusspunkt dar.
Falls beim Betrieb Probleme auftreten, sollten Sie sich zunaechst an ihren Fachhaendler wenden.
Cet équipement a reçu l'agrément, conformément à la décision 98/482/CE du Conseil, concernant la connexion paneuropéenne de terminal unique aux Réseaux Téléphoniques Publics Commutés (RTPC). Toutefois, comme il existe des différences d'un pays à l'autre entre les RTPC, l'agrément en soi ne constitue pas une garantie absolue de fonctionnement optimal à chaque point de terminaison du réseau RTPC.
En cas de problème, vous devez contacter en premier lieu votre fournisseur.
La presente apparecchiatura terminale è stata approvata in conformità della decione 98/482/CE del Consigho per la connessione panaeuropea come terminale singolo ad una reteanalogica PSTN. A causa delle differenze tra le reti dei differenti paesi, l'approvazione non garantisce però di per sé il funzionamento coretto in tutti punti di terminazione di rete PSTN.
In caso di problemi contattare in primo luogo il fornitore del prodotto.
Este equipo ha sido homologado de conformidad con la Decisión 98/482/CE del Consejo para la conexión panaeuropea de un terminal simple a la red telefónica pública commutada (RTPC). No obstante, a la vista de la diferencias que existen entre las RTPC que se ofrecen en diferentes países, la homologación no constituye por si sola una garantia in condicional de funcionamiento satisfactorio en todos los puntos de terminación de la red de una RTPC.
En caso de surgir algún problema, procede ponerse en contacto en primer lugar el proveedor de equipo.
Dit apparaat is goedgekeurd volgens Beschikking 98/482/EG van de Raad voor de
Neem bij problemen in eerste instantie contact op met de leverancier van het apparaat.
Network Compatibility Declaration
This product is designed to interwork with the Public Switched Telecommunication Networks in UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Iceland, Greece, Italy, Norway and Austria.
The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only that Telecom has accepted that the item complies with minimum conditions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement of the product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Above all, it provides no assurance that any item will work correctly in all respects with another item of Telepermitted equipment of a different make or model, nor does it imply that any product is compatible with all ofTelecom’s network services.
This equipment does not fully meet Telecom’s impedance requirements. Performance limitations may occur when used in conjunction with some parts of the network.Telecom will accept no responsibility should difficulties arise in such circumstances.
This equipment shall not be set up to make automatic calls to the Telecom ‘111’ Emergency Service.