3Check that the bushing on the isolator stud is centered in the isolator. Adjust to center by moving the stud in the fan base hole.
4This procedure will raise the equipment load until the isolators are all off the shims (shipping
Note: Do not adjust isolators once the fan base is off of the shipping tie down blocks.
5Continue adjusting other isolators in sequence and repeat the same adjustment. Continue until all isolators are adjusted.
6Replace the jam nut on each isolator adjusting bolt, tighten the nut, and remove the shipping tie down block.
Traq™ Dampers
Traq dampers are
The actuators,
VCM (Transducer) Calibration. The VCM has an
Input Power Signal. The only input signal the VCM needs is the 24 Vac power connected to terminals 1TB1- 5 and
Output Velocity Signal. The
2 to 10 VDC linear output signal from the VCM represents air velocity. This voltage can be converted to represent airflow (cfm or L/s) using the formula below, Table 1 and data in your submittal package.
Airflow = k (cfm @ 10V) | |
| 8 |
OR |
Airflow = k (L/s @ 10V) | |
| 8 |
Altitude can be adjusted for by using the following factors:
Table 1. Altitude adjustment factors
Sea level = 1.0
Elevation (feet) | k |
1000 | 0.982 |
2000 | 0.964 |
3000 | 0.949 |
4000 | 0.930 |
5000 | 0.914 |
6000 | 0.897 |
7000 | 0.876 |
8000 | 0.860 |
9000 | 0.846 |
10,000 | 0.825 |
Control Dampers
If the damper actuators are not factory mounted install damper actuators and connecting linkage. Check damper operation and linkage alignment.
Damper blades should be non- binding. Adjust damper frame as necessary to ensure free blade movement.
Magnahelic Air Filter Gage
Check zero adjustment of the gage. Turn both vent valves to the “Vent” position and adjust the gage pointer to zero by means of the external adjustment screw in the face of the gage. After zeroing, turn the vent valves to the “Line” position.
Figure 20. Traq damper terminal connections
Ventilation Control
| |
24 Vac