Breville BES830XL Perfecting Your Skills NON-PRESSURIZED Single Wall Filters, Grind Size & Amount

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Place the single or double shot Single Wall Filter into the portafi lter. When brewing into a larger mug, always use the double shot fi lter and only extract 2oz. If you require a larger serving, add the hot water fi rst and then extract the espresso.

Preheat the portafi lter by placing underneath the group head. Rinse with hot water from the group head by holding down the double shot button on the front, right hand side of the machine. Dry the portafi lter thoroughly before use.

Unlike the Dual Wall Filters, the Single Wall Filters have no markings on the underside of the fi lter (refer to page 8).

Use 1 level measure of ground espresso coffee for the 1 shot fi lter and 2 level measures for the 2 shot fi lter.

Refer to ‘Espresso Making Tips’, page 31.


When selecting the grind size it should be

ne but not too fi ne or powdery. The grind will effect the rate at which the water fl ows through the ground espresso in the fi lter and therefore the taste of the espresso.

If the grind is too fi ne (looks like powder and feels like fl our when rubbed between

ngers), the water will not fl ow through the ground espresso even when under pressure. The resulting espresso will be over extracted, too dark and bitter, with a mottled and uneven crema on top.

If the grind is too coarse the water will fl ow through the ground espresso too quickly. This will result in an under-extracted espresso lacking in fl avor and without the thick crema on the top.

When grinding for a Single Wall Filter using a fi ner espresso grind, you will need to increase the grind amount to ensure the

fi lter is correctly fi lled.


Distribute the ground espresso coffee evenly in the fi lter and press down lightly with the tamping end of the measuring spoon.

Refer to ‘Espresso Making Tips’, page 31

Clean any excess ground espresso coffee from the rim of the portafi lter to ensure a proper fi t into the group head.


Before placing the portafi lter into position, it is recommended to run a short fl ow of water through the group head.

Place a container or empty cup under the group head.

With the portafi lter removed, prime

the group head by pressing and holding down the single or double cup button for approximately 5 seconds.

Refer to ‘Manual Espresso’, page 24.

A pumping noise will be heard during this operation, and water will run through the group head.


Place the portafi lter underneath the group head so that the handle is aligned with the insert graphic. Insert the portafi lter holder up into the group head and rotate the handle to the right until resistance is felt, this will be at an approximate 90° angle to the machine.


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Contents Die-Cast Programmable Espresso Machine Contents Enjoy Breville Recommends Safety FirstHOT Water Wand Special Safety InstructionsProgrammable Function Espresso Pressure GaugePressurized Dual Wall Filters for Beginners Electronic Temperature ControlEnergy Saving Features Know Your Breville DIE-CAST Programmable Espresso MachineStorage tray Before First USEStep New photo of machine showing water tank being removedPriming Frothing Milk PRE-WARMING the Cups Filling the Water TankTamping the Ground Espresso Perfecting Your Skills NON-PRESSURIZED Single Wall FiltersPreparing the Single Wall Filter Grind Size & AmountPreset Shot Size ONE Shot Emptying Portafilter When the steam light stops fl ashing it is ready to useManual Espresso Swirling the Milk ART of Texturing Milk Using the HOT Water FunctionStretching the Milk Buy in small batches to reduce the storage time Espresso Making TipsExtracting Your Espresso Using PRE-GROUND EspressoRight Measurement Tamping CorrectlyCleaning the Filters Portafilter and Group Head Care and CleaningCleaning the Steam Wand and Frothing Attachment Decalcifying Cleaning the Outer Housing / CUP Warming PlateCleaning the Drip Tray Cleaning the Storage TrayTrouble Shooting Guide Flat White Trouble Shooting Guide Espresso VariationsEspresso Long BlackMocha Frappe Serves TWO Classic Cafe LattéCappuccino MacchiatoTiramisu DessertsBaked Custards with Fresh Raspberry and Coffee Float ServesToll free phone number ONE Year Limited WarrantyESPRESSO, Cinnamon and Walnut Muffins Rich Espresso IcingCentres DE Service À LA Clientèle Breville Machine à espresso programmable en métal moulé Table DES Matières Breville recommande la sécurité avant tout’utilisez pas l’appareil si le cordon ou Breville Recommande LA Sécurité Avant ToutProfitez-en Cet appareil est conçu pour un usage domestique seulementManomètre Pour Espresso Instructions DE Sécurité ParticulièresEtat DU Cordon D’ALIMENTATION Fonction ProgrammableMécanismes D’ÉCONOMIE D’ÉNERGIE Filtres À Double Paroi Pressurisés Pour DébutantsContrôle Électronique DE LA Température NON Illustrés Étape Filtres À Double Paroi Pressurisés Pour LES Débutants UNE Minute Pour Apprendre Filtres À Double Paroi PressurisésPréparer Help Étape 4 Grosseur ET Quantité DE Mouture Étape 1 Remplissage DU Réservoir D’EAUÉtape 2 Préchauffement DES Tasses Étape 3 Préparation DU Filtre À Simple ParoiÉtape 8 Préparation DE L’EXTRACTION Étape 5 Tassage DE LA MoutureÉtape 6 Préparation Initiale DE LA Tête D’INFUSION Étape 7 Insertion DU PORTE-FILTREÉtape 9 Vider LE PORTE-FILTRE Programmation D’UN Espresso DoubleRéinitialisation DES Réglages PAR Défaut Programmation ManuelleEtape 2 Faire Tourbillonner LE Lait ’ART DE Faire Mousser LE LaitEtape 1 Aérer LE Lait « Hot Water ». Le voyant « Hot Water » s’illuminera Grains de café fraisTypes Dextraction LA Bonne Mesure Réchauffer Votre Tasse OU Votre VerreRéchauffer LE PORTE-FILTRE Utilisation DE Café Espresso PrémouluNettoyer LES FILTRES, LE PORTE-FILTRE ET LA Tête D’INFUSION Nettoyer LA Buse Vapeur ET L’ACCESSOIRE DE MoussageEntretien ET Nettoyage Nettoyer LE Plateau ’ÉGOUTTEMENT Entretien ET Nettoyage SuiteDécalcification Décalcifier LA Machine Nettoyer LE Boîtier ET LE Plateau RÉCHAUFFE-TASSESGuide DE Dépannage « Flat White » Guide DE Dépannage Espressos Variés« Long Black » Mocha Frappé Pour Deux Espressos Variés SuiteCafé AU Lait Classique Portions Costarde AUX Framboises Fraîches ET À L’ESPRESSORiche Glaçage À L’ESPRESSO Desserts SuiteGarantie Limitée D’UN AN Muffins À L’ESPRESSO, À LA Cannelle ET AUX NoixBreville Customer Servicei Center