Overview of Auto Attendant Features 307
Adding an Auto Attendant 308
Managing Auto Attendants 319
Voice Application Setup Utility 321
Testing the Auto Attendant 322
Voice Profile for Internet Mail 323
Control Parameters 324
Operations Management 324
Statistics 326
Advanced Settings 327
Software Upgrade 331
System Software Licensing 332
Restricted Operation 333
Considerations 334
Customer Service 335
Reboot/Shutdown 335
Manage Data 335
Backup 336
Restore 338
Convert Database 339
Purge Database 339
Purge Database and CDR 339
Purge All Voice Mail 339
Event Log 339
Licenses 340
Add a License 340
Remove a License 341
Usage Report 341
Backing Up Licenses 341
Restoring Backed-Up Licenses 341
Obtaining Details of License History 342
Regional Software 342
Install 342
Remove 343