0x52 82 Chan does not
exist The equipment sending this cause has received a
request to use a channel that is not activated on the
interface for a call.
0x53 83 Suspended call
exists, call
identity does
A call resume has been attempted with a call identity
that differs from that in use for any currently
suspended calls.
0x54 84 Call identity in
use The network has received a call suspended request
that contained a call identity (including the null call
identity) that is already in use for a suspended call
within the domain of interfaces over which this call
may be resumed.
0x55 85 Incompatible
0x58 88 Incompatible
destination The equipment sending this cause has received a
request to establish a call that has low layer
compatibility, high layer compatibility, or other
compatibility attributes (for example, data rate) that
cannot be handled.
0x5B 91 Transit network
does not exist.
0x5F 95 Invalid message
(unspecified) Reports an invalid message event only when no other
cause in the invalid message call applies.
Protocol error 0x60 96 Mandatory IE
missing The equipment sending this cause has received a
message that is missing an information element that
must be present in the message before that message
can be processed.
0x61 97 Nonexistent
message The equipment sending this cause has received a
message with a message type that it does not
recognize, either because it is an undefined message,
or it is defined but not implemented by the equipment
sending the cause.
0x62 98 Wrong
message The equipment sending this cause has received a
message that it considers as not permitted while in the
call state; or a STATUS message was received
indicating an incompatible call state.
Table83 Completion Cause Codes (continued)
Class Grouping Hex Code
Code Description Details